Tag: Media Vuelta 11 videos
Media Vuelta
One of Nancy's favorite steps - the connection in the pivot can be very cool. -
Interrupting Media Vuelta With the Basic and Front Ochos
A beg/int video which gives a more complex example of the way you can interrupt beginning steps and put them together to make something that's reasonably complicated. -
Free For All Demo
A video which shows a demo dance of basic steps sometimes interrupted by other basic steps. -
Trading Vueltas
An int/adv video which is about having the partners rotate around eachother, each of them in turn doing a media vuelta. -
Shared Vuelta
An int video which exaggerates the follower's pivot and the leader/follower twin the media vuelta. -
In Honor Of Orlando Paiva
An int/adv video which shows a media vuelta that goes to an unusual freno variation with an amague exit. It's choreography by our favorite tango choreographer. -
Varied Going Around Eachother
An adv video which teaches a complex combination with parts of media vuela, sacada, drag, basic and freno. -
Weaving Back and Forth
An adv video which teaches a complex combination with media vuelta, freno and front ocho. -
Media Vuelta
A beg/int video which teaches more in depth technique for leaders' media vueltas. -
Media Vuelta
An beg/int video which teaches more in depth technique for followers' media vueltas. -
Media Vuelta Essence
An all levels video highlighting what media vuelta is about for the leader and the follower.