Tag: Lead 23 videos
She's Pulling Me Off Balance
An int/adv topic that will enable the leader to dance beautifully despite the follower's pulling him off balance. -
She Has Noodle Arms
An int/adv topic that will enable the leader to dance beautifully despite the follower's lack of frame. -
She Rushes Ahead of My Lead
An int/adv topic that will enable the leader to dance beautifully despite the follower going too fast and therefore not following. -
Rotational Movement
An all levels video which talks about the mechanics required to move the follower around her axis and the combinations that this enables. -
Linear Movement
An all levels video which talks about the mechanics required to move the follower on a grid, forward, side, back and the combinations that this enables. -
How to Make a Woman Swoon
An int/adv video which explains a collection of techniques which collectively make the follower's experience of your lead almost magical. They'll be able to do amazing steps and not realize how they happened. -
Intermediate Vocabulary for the Leader
An int video which gives exercises the leader can do alone at home to get better at gancho, boleo and freno. -
Lead and Follow for Anything
An int video which talks about generic categories of lead and how they can be applied in different circumstances. -
Now It's Dialogue
An adv video introducing the concept of more frequent changes of who's leading. -
Easily Moving Together
A beg/int video which teaches not overdoing the lead and the fact that, as long as the movement is in the right direction, it can feel good. -
The Free Leg - The Basics
An int/adv video which clarifies the mechanics between the leader and follower involved in moving the follower's leg in any direction. Core technique. -
Circles And Cool Differences
An adv video which builds on the earlier videos in the series. It shows how the movement of the follower's free leg can create many exciting possibilities. -
Being More Profoundly Together
An int/adv video which breaks a step into 3 pieces, extension, propulsion and collection. Sounds mechanical, feels divine. -
A beg/int video which teaches more in depth technique for leaders' ochos. -
A beg/int video which teaches more in depth technique for leaders' basics. -
Media Vuelta
A beg/int video which teaches more in depth technique for leaders' media vueltas. -
A beg/int video which teaches more in depth technique for leaders' frenos. -
A beg/int video which teaches more in depth technique for leaders' boleos. -
A beg/int video which teaches more in depth technique for leaders' ganchos. -
A beg/int video which teaches more in depth technique for leaders' drags. -
Easier Pivots
An int/adv video which helps followers pivot more easily. -
An int/adv video for the leader that helps give balance and control in the molinette enabling much fancier things. -
Push Pull
An int/adv video which discusses the dynamic between the leader and follower which can create a soft lean towards the leader (volcada) and then away from the leader (colgada).