Tag: Gancho 15 videos
An int video which introduces the gancho which is the kick between the legs. In this video, the follower kicks between the leader's legs. This is a quite flashy element. -
Lean and Gancho
An adv video which shows how to use very small movement and subtle leads at the top to create larger movement at the bottom (of the body). -
A Minimal Entrance To Gancho
An int video which makes the observation that you don't need long combinations to do a gancho. -
Gancho Inside
An int video showing the follower in front of the leader regardless of which leg is doing the gancho or being gancho-ed. -
Gancho Outside
An int video showing the follower more to the leader's side or towards behind and can be done for either leg. -
Gancho - Overturned Outside
An adv video which shows an unusual gancho possible only because the follower pivots a huge amount. -
Gancho - From Her Side
An adv video which shows a logical place for gancho but one that is rarely taught because there is less time separation and the foot placement is even more critical. -
Gancho - Overturned Inside
An adv video which shows a gancho from a normal position with an unusual leg Because the followers are almost back to the leader's front, it's both more dramatic and more requiring of consciousness of her axis. -
Gancho - Is It Boleo Or Is It Gancho?
An adv video which shows a gancho with the 'funny' leg enabled by a ridiculously large pivot. -
Kicks: It's All One
An int video which explores the sameness of both the lead and the dynamic behind ganchos, boleos and kicks. -
Boleo And Gancho
An int video which highlights the principles of the earlier video as they apply to boleos and ganchos in greater detail. -
Prep For Cadena - Man's Gancho
An int combination where the leader displaces the follower's leg as he goes around her and then the leader ganchos the follower. -
A beg/int video which teaches more in depth technique for leaders' ganchos. -
An beg/int video which teaches more in depth technique for followers' ganchos. -
Gancho Essence
An all levels video highlighting what the gancho is about for the leader and the follower.