Tag: Advanced 69 videos
Creating Chemistry Through Distance
Special topic. Discusses how you use intention to create chemistry and dispels 2 myths about chemistry. -
An intermediate pose which helps build to the spinning sit later in the series. -
Spinning Sit
An advanced combination which has a single axis turn ending in a sit. It's quite flashy. -
She Drags Him
An advanced drag/barrida which discusses the lead and follow required to get the follower to drag the leader's foot. -
An advanced combination where the follower and leader lean away from each other. This idea enables many cool spinning combinations. -
She Flies and Then She Swoons
An advanced combination where the two people go around each other in an invisibly expanding lean. -
An all levels video describing how a few core ideas inform all of the steps. -
Deriving Front Ocho
An all levels video describing which core ideas shape front ocho. -
Deriving The Basic
An all levels video describing which core ideas shape the basic. -
Deriving Freno
An all levels video describing which core ideas shape the freno. -
Deriving Wrap
An all levels video describing which core ideas shape the wrap. -
Intro: Constraints Help You Explore
An int/adv video which helps add structure to enable creativity. -
Pointing and Dragging
An int/adv video which looks at the breadth of possibilities moving only the legs. -
Leaning Towards or Away
An int/adv video which looks at the breadth of possibilities when you let the center of gravity move off axis. -
Legs Off The Ground
An int/adv video which looks at the breadth of possibilities which are enabled when the legs come off the ground: ganchos, boleos and more. -
Possibilities: Wacky Examples
An int/adv video which illustrates the generality of this approach. -
No "Transition" Needed
An int/adv video showing movements that can be done inside almost any step. -
Overview: Milonga Timing
An int video introducing different timings that are often used when dancing milonga. -
A Couple Of Traspie Examples
An int/adv video showing stutter step (traspie) timing. -
A Couple Of Double Time Examples
An int/adv video showing the most common way of dancing milonga rthymically, double time. -
Mixing Milonga Rhythms
An adv video mixing single time, double time and traspie. -
Singing Your Dance
An all levels video about how your dancing should show the accents in the music. -
Interacting With The Music
An adv video which shows how you don't only have to mirror what the music is doing. You can also have opinions about the rhythms in the music and show that in your dance. -
Gancho - Overturned Outside
An adv video which shows an unusual gancho possible only because the follower pivots a huge amount. -
Gancho - From Her Side
An adv video which shows a logical place for gancho but one that is rarely taught because there is less time separation and the foot placement is even more critical. -
Gancho - Overturned Inside
An adv video which shows a gancho from a normal position with an unusual leg Because the followers are almost back to the leader's front, it's both more dramatic and more requiring of consciousness of her axis. -
Gancho - Is It Boleo Or Is It Gancho?
An adv video which shows a gancho with the 'funny' leg enabled by a ridiculously large pivot. -
One Becomes Two
An int video where the leader takes one steps while the follower takes two. -
Pivoting Through Eachother
An adv video which teaches a complex combination with pivots emphasizing togetherness, molinetes and sacadas. -
Varied Going Around Eachother
An adv video which teaches a complex combination with parts of media vuela, sacada, drag, basic and freno. -
Weaving Back and Forth
An adv video which teaches a complex combination with media vuelta, freno and front ocho. -
Touch Back Ocho Entrance
An advanced combination based on molinette where the exit of the molinette blends into an overturned back ocho. Nancy likes it because it flies. -
Turning Woven Lunge
An advanced combination starting with a large turn blending into a spiraled lunge. -
Man's Shaping
An adv video which teaches some advanced styling and embellishments that leaders can do during a molinette. -
Molinette With Kicks
An adv video which teaches kicking between the follower's legs during a molinette and the techniques which allow the leader and follower to move together and be safe. -
Man's Free Leg In Molinette
An adv video which teaches the leader a series of different advanced styling and embellishments which can be done during a molinette. -
Lunge Step Lunge
An int/adv performy combination which falls into a lunge which travels. -
Lunge To Lean To Lunge
An int/adv combination which uses a lean as an unexpected transition in and out of the lunge. -
Walking In Colgada
An adv video where the couple walks in various directions while leaning away. -
Prep For Cadena - Man's Gancho
An int combination where the leader displaces the follower's leg as he goes around her and then the leader ganchos the follower. -
Prep For Cadena - Drag
An int combination where the follower displaces the leader's leg followed by a drag. -
An adv combination where the partners alternatively displace each other as they go around each other. A typical performance combination. -
Trading Back Sacadas
An advanced combination where the leader and the follower alternatively back sacada each other, frequently done by performers to show off. -
Walking Sacadas Into Front Ochos
An advanced combination where the follower crazy over pivots the front ochos and the leader front sacadas. -
Sacadas In Molinette
An advanced combination exploring taking of space by the leader as he steps through her as she does the molinette. The last video exploring standard advanced sacada combinations. -
A beg/int video which teaches more in depth technique for leaders' ochos. -
A beg/int video which teaches more in depth technique for leaders' basics. -
Media Vuelta
A beg/int video which teaches more in depth technique for leaders' media vueltas. -
A beg/int video which teaches more in depth technique for leaders' frenos. -
A beg/int video which teaches more in depth technique for leaders' boleos. -
A beg/int video which teaches more in depth technique for leaders' ganchos. -
A beg/int video which teaches more in depth technique for leaders' drags. -
An beg/int video which teaches more in depth technique for followers' ochos. -
An beg/int video which teaches more in depth technique for followers' basics. -
Media Vuelta
An beg/int video which teaches more in depth technique for followers' media vueltas. -
An beg/int video which teaches more in depth technique for followers' frenos. -
An beg/int video which teaches more in depth technique for followers' boleos. -
An beg/int video which teaches more in depth technique for followers' ganchos. -
An beg/int video which teaches more in depth technique for followers' drags. -
Basic Essence
An all levels video highlighting what the basic is about for the leader and the follower. -
Ocho Essence
An all levels video highlighting what ochos are about for the leader and the follower. -
Media Vuelta Essence
An all levels video highlighting what media vuelta is about for the leader and the follower. -
Freno Essence
An all levels video highlighting what freno is about for the leader and the follower. -
Gancho Essence
An all levels video highlighting what the gancho is about for the leader and the follower. -
Drag Essence
An all levels video highlighting what the drag is about for the leader and the follower. -
Boleo Essence
An all levels video highlighting what the boleo is about for the leader and the follower. -
Push Pull
An int/adv video which discusses the dynamic between the leader and follower which can create a soft lean towards the leader (volcada) and then away from the leader (colgada). -
Dodging The Bullet
An int/adv video which has the leader diving past the follower as she steps forward in order to slingshot her around him. -
Riding The Wave
An int/adv video which shows the leader giving the follower a ton of momentum as she goes around him and then taking it back so the leader can rider this momentum to pivot around.