Touch - Tenderness

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One potential myth we would like to expel is that, to be tender is to be physically weak. We would argue that you have strength, conviction and wholeness of self and that these make the decision to be gentle, smooth and attentive much greater.

Artist Name:
Kristina Olsen
Song Title:
Hurry On Home
Album Title:
Live From Around The World
Artist Website:

From a review on the website: Olsen, an itinerant troubadour who regularly graces Australian folk festivals, was at her most engaging. Such was the candour of her songs and chatty tales that it would impossible for anyone with blood in their veins not to empathise with her. Her full-throated voice and crisp guitar served up such diverse subject matter as crop-dusting and prostitution, while a revealing yarn about life-drawing classes introduced The Truth of a Woman. From her new CD came In Your Darkened Room, the title track to an album containing some of her finest work, a black frost edging her usual warmth and humour.

So, in the spirit of describing different kinds of touch, each with its own meaning,
We're going to do tenderness. We - they are going to do tenderness. So, go for it.
Now, some comments. One thing that Malakai is wonderful at doing is enveloping her with his mind.
And so, you see, that it's not just the body. But you see the consciousness helping in the holding.
You'll notice that, in the embrace, it really is more of a... Of a circularness, of an encompassing.
In the hands, in every point of contact, there's a there-ness. And then, it goes in a little more. It's, sort of, supportive and holding.
If the hands are moving, they move at a different speed than they did for the sexuality.
See how subtle that is?
And so, part of it is because... Is that we take, we use increased listening, the next chapter,
To make the awareness more conscious, of the caring, actually.