The great dancers of old

This article is about the great old tango dancers and their dance. About how they helped tango evolve and survive through the years. This is probably the single best article I've seen on tango's (the dance) history


A nice article about Petroleo.

A quote from the above article “I changed tango dancing. I invented the turn, the contrafrente, the change of postures, the boleos. “

Another quote “In one decade he modernized the Tango salon.”

“El Cachafaz”(Ovidio José Bianquet)

A nice article about Cachafaz

A quote from an interview with Carmencita , after his death: “A special gift. Elegance and a unique rhythm. He was a great creator of steps, but also had many figures in common with Joseph Giambuzzi, Tarila. The difference is that Don Benito's was spotless, without slouching and with a delicacy that took away the vulgar dance. It must be said that the tango is sometimes a little bit pretty disgusting: no cuts on the woman gets the leg between the man's legs. But he did it with a poise that had nobody. It was by far the best. ”

Interesting, to also get the historical perspective … “vulgar … disgusting" changes to without slouching and with poise.

Carmencita Calderon

One really interesting thing is that as you watch videos, you can see the way that tango has evolved over the years. Her milonga is incredibly rhythmic .. She was the main partner of Cachafaz,

Antonio Todaro

A nice article about Todaro.

A “Golden Age” dancer who greatly increased the range of tango vocabulary. He was an incredibly inflencial teacher, and it seems like half of the next generation of tango stars studied with him. Each of them developed a personal style of their own.

Orlando Paiva Sr

A nice article about Paiva

He was the first tango teach of the person who taught me tango (Michael Walker). Incredibly elegant, with casual and graceful lines, and an incredible sense for time and ease. I think his combinations are amongst the most beautiful.

Gerardo Portolea

Portalea from 1 – 2 minutes.

A nice article about Gerardo Portolea.

He isn't on the list because he revolutionized tango in any way, but rather because he has a beautiful elegance.

Juan Carlos Copes and Maria Nieves

A nice article about Copes and by extension Maria.

Quote from the above, “I have heard many old-timers credit Copes with keeping the Tango flame alive through the years of the cruel military rule in Argentina when the generals did their best to kill Tango as a popular expression”. Note that Rene Torres said that he's heard old times say that it wasn't that they banned Milongas, but rather, that they banned getting together in any way.

Also choreographed the show “Tango Argentino” in 1983, which really contributed to the wolrdwide revival of Argentine Tango.

Many others

Danel Bastone a gentleman who helped bring tango to the US, Raul Bravo, and Carlos Gavito, who had a massive stage presence. “Tete” who has the most beautiful way of waltzing. Miguel and Nelly Balmaceda elegent dancers of the old days.

And I'm sure many, many who I have left off.

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