Joy and Dancing

Today's class was about Joy and dancing!

The first part of this class is meant to be learning through experience rather than instruction (like weight changes).

Watch and enjoy the following videos! Watch from the perspective not of what to correct or change in your own dancing, but rather just to enjoy!

Horacio Godoy:

A brilliant little boy:

A girl whose really into it (2:50-3:48)

Now, dance with those videos as inspiration! Dance :)

Hopefully those videos inspire you with the joy of being alive and of dancing.

Now a video of Lia Kim … Later when she is talking, see how she is relating to her dance. Watch from 0-1:40. When she is talking pay attention to the way that she is expressing, embodying, and emoting what she is saying:

Hopefully inspired, dance again. And particularly, find your "groove" .. something simple, and repeated that you can do to dance to the music

And now, turn that subtle groove into tango ... dance and walk, but don't lose your earlier groove!

Sometimes we tell people to dance, but to mess up on purpose. Or to be silly. And usually the end result is not that people are worse, but rather that they are better. That their minds don't get in the way! This entire article is actually about having a mind that doesn't take itself too seriously.

Now you should "work" on something. Perhaps having an engaged center and a free upper body. But at the same time you do that, also realize that your mind can also be joyous and light. And if it wanders, don't be hard on yourself and say "I did that wrong" but rather treat yourself with love, the same way you would tell an erring puppy to come back ....(this image from Tara Brach) "come back, puppy, come back" ... with a smile!

Thank you for sharing in today's class. We'll end with a few more videos to inspire :)

Frankie Manning ... watch from 8:50-10:30:

Mariella Sametband:

Emily Bear, not dance, but certainly her mind isn't getting in her way :)