मिलॉन्गा परिचयात्मक शब्दावली - रैखिक कदम और वजन परिवर्तन
- यह आपके मिलंग का मुख्य घटक होना चाहिए।
- यह बहुत आसान है क्योंकि यह देखने के लिए है कि आप केवल बिना किसी उद्देश्य के आसपास घूम रहे हैं।
- ध्यान रखें कि इन चरणों में से हर एक स्पष्ट रूप से स्पष्ट रूप से परिभाषित किया जाता है - आपके चरण 5 डिग्री से दूर नहीं हैं जब आप जगह में वज़न बदलते हैं, तो आपके पैर वास्तव में एक साथ होते हैं। और, यदि वे नहीं हैं, सुनिश्चित करें कि यह उद्देश्य पर है
- एक तरह से आप इस परिशुद्धता पर अपने आप पर काम कर सकते हैं एक गाइड तार के रूप में एक बोर्ड का उपयोग करना है।
- वैकल्पिक रूप से, आप एक दोस्त घड़ी देख सकते हैं। हम इस प्रतिक्रिया को प्राप्त करने पर ज़ोर देते हैं, क्योंकि लोगों को लगता है कि वे एक चीज कर रहे हैं और वास्तव में उनके इरादे से कुछ अलग तरह से कर रहे हैं।
- कलाकार का नाम:
- Electrocutango
- गीत शीर्षक:
- Retrolonga
- एल्बम शीर्षक:
- Felino
- कलाकार वेबसाइट:
- http://www.indris.net/electrocutango
(वेबसाइट से): सवरेरे इंद्रिस जोनर, एक रचनात्मक उल्लेखनीय टेंगुस्टा, में इलेक्ट्रोकैटांगो ने इस 21 वीं सदी में नए टैंगो के एक ठोस, निडर और परिशोधित संस्करण प्राप्त किए हैं। यह सराहनीय नार्वेजियन पियानोवादक, संगीतकार, संयोजक और निर्देशक दर्शाते हैं कि टैंगो अभी भी अपने युवा सौंदर्य और चुनौतीपूर्ण साहस को पुराने समय की तरह रख सकता है।
- 00:04
- So, one of the really cool things about milonga is that you don't have to do a lot.
- 00:08
- I remember when I was first learning salsa, and then later on we were doing bachata.
- 00:11
- I was so relieved, as a beginning leader to do bachata, because you didn't really do anything.
- 00:15
- And that's sort of like this chapter
- 00:18
- Where really, all you need to do milonga is walk forward, back, side, and change weight.
- 00:23
- Actually, that's true of tango too, but...
- 00:25
- Yeah, that's true of tango too, but it's even more true of milonga.
- 00:27
- So, we're going to do a brief demo, and then we'll talk about it.
- 00:36
- And then the music ends. It'll come back.
- 00:51
- And you'll see that what we're doing is we're walking side, and changing.
- 01:01
- Walking forward, and changing, or going back, change, forward, change.
- 01:05
- But they're all sort I'm going to call, "linear steps", right?
- 01:09
- I can go side, or side... or side, or change, or change.
- 01:14
- And, so, you can almost get a six sided die, roll it, and you're going to say, "What direction I'm going to go?"
- 01:18
- Forward, or back, or side, and then, eventually,...
- 01:21
- Or weight change, that doesn't come to six.
- 01:23
- Oh, we count weight change, maybe, more than once.
- 01:28
- I don't know if this analogy is working.
- 01:30
- You get a four sided dice at a gaming store.
- 01:33
- Ha, there we go.
- 01:34
- And, you roll it, and it says, "forward", and so you go forward for awhile, and then you do some changes, and you go side, and maybe change.
- 01:43
- Or, maybe, it says, "back", and change.
- 01:45
- But, as leaders, you don't want to go back too often, because you'll go back against line of dance. So, at most, one step.
- 01:54
- So, if I go back, I would usually always change weight immediately.
- 02:00
- And so, this looks very varied, and the trick, as we do this, is...
- 02:07
- David: How do I say this? If you have to think about it, it's too late. Because the music - bam!, it's fast.
Nancy: Right. It's very fast. - 02:12
- But, it not only looks varied, it feels fun.
- 02:15
- So, this is really more of a demo than explicit instructions. But I'm going to give you homework.
- 02:19
- And, in your homework, for the leaders, I want you to think about...
- 02:24
- Just one combination: go side-change, side-change, side-change.
- 02:28
- Or, go forward, forward, change, back, change, forward.
- 02:32
- Or whatever, you know, just some steps and then some weight changes.
- 02:35
- And, for the followers... Unfortunately, the followers, you need a partner for this,
- 02:40
- I want your leader just to grab your hand. Here, she's my leader right now.
- 02:45
- And she's going to pull me, and I just sort of push, or take me in any direction.
- 02:51
- Gee, moving David around is fun!
- 02:56
- So, on that note...