Tango, Danza y Salud

In general, it seems that the pillars for health and happiness are something like:

  • Sleep well - tango doesn't help with this one! :)
  • Move more - score one for tango!
  • Eat healthy - nope
  • Be social - Yes!
  • Medidate - Yes!
  • And also ... do art - Yes!

In fact, I think not many items other than partner dance (and I would argue, ideally an improvisational dance with room for creativity) check off so many items on the list of "good for your health and happiness" ... movement, social, artistic. If only it were good for your sleep :). Below I link to a number of articles that talk about how Tango, Dance and more generally Art are good for your health. It is impressive how very broad-ranging the benefits are!

The links

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