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Valentango Show Stoppers

  • 8 مارس '16

Liz & Yannick Vanhove pretty much stole the show at Valentango. You can see why, exquisite connection and understated elegance. I was on the floor with them at the opening milonga. They pretty much look like this in their everyday dancing. You’re kind of tempted to poke them with your finger to see if they’re real……….I refrained.


dwyliuDavid Liu
  • 30 مارس '16

I agree - they are very elegant and good dancers. Amusingly, some of the reason you love them so much is that they have the good taste to have same idol :)

Do you realize that they have studied Orlando Paiva Sr., just as you have? They also stick with Pavia's philosophy of performance ... a lot of simple with a little flash.

If you compare your clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DUSpkBulW2k&feature=youtu.be
With the clip of Paiva here: http://learntodancetango.com/videos/resources/articles/5/the-great-dancers-of-old/

Push cross

  • Liz & Yannick: 35 seconds - 50 seconds
  • Pavia: 0-4 seconds

Tail when woman goes around man

  • Liz & Yannick: 1:05 - 1:21
  • Pavia: 2:44 - 2:51

Ah, Paiva is so good!

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