- 藝術家姓名:
- Mandragora Tango
- 歌名:
- Adios Nonino
- 相冊標題:
- Let's Have Dinner And Go Dancing
- 藝術家網站:
- http://www.mandragoratango.com
從網站:MandrágoraTango是由Bandoneonist Bob Barnes和吉他手Scott Mateo Davies率領的探戈樂隊,他是兩位對探戈狂熱的明尼阿波利斯音樂家。自2001年以來,我們一直在跳舞和聽音樂,我們仍然堅強。我們在美國的40多個城市玩過。
- 00:05
- So, in this next section, which starts after this lunge,
- 00:09
- We have two steps forward: one, two, for the leader; back for the follower.
- 00:13
- Forward on his left, back on her right. And, she'll lean back into a lunge, pointing with her leg.
- 00:18
- After these four. After that, we go:
- 00:21
- Four steps this way; and she goes into an attitude, with her right leg. Once again, off-axis.
- 00:27
- And then, finally, one lunge together. Showing that... but sketching.
- 00:31
- You've got: walk, walk; she goes off, and points.
- 00:36
- Four steps: one, two, three, four. Off, and attitude.
- 00:42
- I take her around me. We both go. We both cut; and points.
- 00:49
- And then we go into the prep for the trick.
- 00:52
- Oh, and a comment. The reason I took her around me in this section was so small was so we would fit in camera.
- 00:58
- So, when you do this, you don't have to keep it that small.
- 01:00
- So, I'm going to teach it small, the way we did it. But then, feel free to adjust it, so that it really travels.
- 01:08
- So, not being tied to the music, we've got, from our lunge:
- 01:12
- Two steps: one, two.
- 01:17
- And there's her lean away with the leg back in a lunge.
- 01:20
- Then, we come forward four. First two are together: one, two.
- 01:25
- Then, I start to turn her; three, four. And I step outside her left foot.
- 01:31
- I'm going to lift up, and back. That will correspond to her leg going back, and her body leaning away.
- 01:39
- I'm counter-weighting.
- 01:41
- It rotates. I'll step in place. We're cross-system, so I step her another time, around me...
- 01:49
- Make it even more around.
- 01:50
- ...Around me. We can both cut.
- 01:53
- And that lead is up and a little bit away, small C.
- 02:00
- And then, we have this lunge together.