技術提示 - 較大的龍
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從網站:創建於2009年7月,由第三代探戈音樂家和歌劇歌手Erskine Maytorena組成,QTANGO在整個西南部進行正宗的阿根廷探戈活動,多次參觀洛杉磯,舊金山,薩克拉門托,聖地亞哥,圖森,塞多納,拉斯維加斯,埃爾帕索,聖菲和阿爾布格爾。 QTANGO的動態和強大的音樂專長於阿根廷探戈樂團“黃金時代”的傳統探戈音樂,讓舞者們在地板上聽到迷茫。每首歌都是中篇小說一個愛情,背叛,絕望和希望的故事。 QTANGO的音樂家給觀眾一個獨特和親密的體驗,只有一個管弦樂隊才能提供一個聲音共鳴,一次探索浪漫,激情和優雅的旅程。無論是作為四重奏旅遊還是與超過14位音樂家合作舉辦盛事,每一場演出都是複雜的,有吸引力的,懷舊的和動人的。
- 00:03
- All right, starting now.
- 00:08
- Okay...
- 00:10
- ..so, talking about having much larger lunges...
- 00:14
- ..or the experience for the audience should be
that the lunges are larger. - 00:18
- As you do it, the first thing is the push off.
- 00:20
- So, just show the push off.
- 00:22
- So you see, with his left leg, her right,
they propel themselves off. - 00:26
- Go for it.
- 00:29
- And so, you see the food slides because they're gonig that big.
You don’t have to hold this, okay. - 00:32
- So, before we started videoing,
it’s amusing,.... - 00:36
- ...we asked, “Jessica, so do you sometimes do
the ball of the foot or do you the flat?” - 00:40
- And she’s like “Well it depends."
- 00:42
- "If I know you guys are going to ask me
to hold it for a really long time, I do the flat." - 00:46
- "But, otherwise, the ball, because it looks really nice.”
- 00:48
- So, going high onto the foot really shows but
it’s a lot harder to hold... - 00:54
- .. so, you know, from the ball of the foot,
than the flat, depending on the size. - 00:57
- Anyway, one more time. So that’s propelling off.
- 01:01
- After they lunge, and you can land flat this time,
because I’m going to talk for a while. - 01:07
- You’ll notice that, in the hip socket for her,
it’s turned out, both of them, the feet are pointed,… - 01:13
- ..the back is long and actually -
so this particular embrace is this. - 01:18
- If I really wanted to accent the largeness of the lunge,…
- 01:19
- ..come a little higher, you're going to be holding for a while.
- 01:21
- If I really wanted to accent the largeness
of the lunge,.... - 01:24
- ..I'd also let the arms carry the line.
- 01:26
- So, there’s the point of the leg and the
extension of the arm. - 01:29
- If you do a forward lunge or a backward lunge
for you instead of a side? - 01:34
- And let’s go the other direction just for variety.
- 01:43
- So, if we're there, also, I want you to the see
the wholeness of the back. - 01:46
- That the back is engaged and active...
- 01:48
- ..so that the leg isn’t actually coming
from the hip socket... - 01:51
- ..it’s coming from the back.
- 01:51
- And likewise, for Malachai, it’s harder to see, though.
- 01:54
- So, you’re going to do this again from the other angle...
- 01:56
- ..the other direction going back towards me
Malachai. - 02:00
- Same lunge. And you see the wholeness of the back
in that lunge. - 02:06
- So, I want you to think that
you don’t just lunge with your legs,... - 02:08
- ...that you lunge with your backs as well.
Arm carries the line. - 02:12
- Quick summary: turn out, point the foot,
really lengthen through the back and hip socket... - 02:19
- ..and in backwards order: propel,...
- 02:21
- ...reach with the arm, it will be a very large lunge.