- 艺术家姓名:
- Trio Garufa
- 歌名:
- Tango a Trois Temps
- 相册标题:
- El Rumor De Tus Tangos
- 艺术家网站:
- http://www.triogarufa.com
从网站:Trio Garufa是一个国际合奏,致力于表演正宗的阿根廷音乐。他们在阿根廷,加拿大和美国都有演出。 Trio Garufa执行传统的阿根廷探戈,现代探戈风格,如Astor Piazzolla的音乐或电子探戈,原创探戈作品和阿根廷民间音乐。他们的音乐是令人激动,精湛的,植根于舞蹈。他们是美国唯一在布宜诺斯艾利斯的米兰(探戈舞蹈俱乐部)广泛演出的探戈组合。该组包括吉列尔莫·加西亚,吉他(阿根廷),阿德里安·杰斯特,波兰尼根(瑞士)和萨斯卡·雅各布森(Sascha Jacobsen),弦乐贝斯(加利福尼亚)。
- 00:04
- So, normally, a drag involves this big long setup, the way I teach it, right?
- 00:08
- So, I say:
- 00:09
- You step side, you pivot her, you pivot her some more.
- 00:13
- You turn out your foot, you stop her.
- 00:15
- He shifts, he grabs with his foot, he shifts her back, and then he drags.
- 00:18
- Right? There's a lot involved.
- 00:19
- But, the truth is, you don't need all that setup.
- 00:22
- So we can be right here and we can say, "Oh, there's her foot, let's drag it".
- 00:28
- And I can drag him back from this position, if I want to.
- 00:31
- And because I'm naughty, as a follower, as a leader, sometimes, when there's the drag...
- 00:35
- Give it a go, fuzz,
- 00:36
- Yeah, he is naughty.
- 00:38
- I'll pop my foot, just 'cause. I'm a troublemaker. Troublemaker.
- 00:42
- But, so, the point I want to make is that the minimal entrance to drag is just that
- 00:47
- The woman is on one foot, and typically, the man is on the opposite foot, but doesn't have to be.
- 00:52
- But, for now, we'll do it that way. And then you just grab the foot. And you push it. That's it.
- 00:57
- So, minimal entrance to drag is really no entrance to drag.
- 01:00
- And what does that mean?
- 01:02
- Well, if we have this really minimal entrance, that the only thing we need is I'm on my left and she's on her right.
- 01:06
- Nancy: There are tons of times when we're like that.
David: Her right, and the hips are sort of at right angles.
- 01:10
- So, that there's one other thing I didn't say, right? So our hips have to be sort of here.
- 01:14
- If she's on her left, and I'm on my left,
- 01:18
- Right.
- 01:18
- Yes, no, you're on your left and I'm on my left.
- 01:20
- Then it's a little hard for me to drag her foot from here.
- 01:23
- Maybe I could, but it wouldn't be that easy.
- 01:26
- So, you want to be roughly in this sort of body configuration. But, given that, you can do it any time.
- 01:31
- Any time in that position. So, for example, if you take a left-foot basic...
- 01:35
- We're here, we go side, he changes, here's our left-foot basic.
- 01:42
- Then, at any point after the "He changes, side, he changes",
- 01:46
- David: Here, you can grab the foot, you can drag it.
Nancy: Yes, we're in the drag position.
- 01:50
- That's really cool!
- 01:51
- And let's say you pull the foot out of the way - there's the cross.
- 01:53
- Or, for example, let's say you're doing front ochos.
- 02:00
- Right here, if we turn so that our hips are in that position, I can grab her foot and drag her.
- 02:06
- Maybe freno, or something like that.
- 02:07
- Really, you guys should practice that one. Just try it. ecause it's hard to understand until you get it in your body.
- 02:12
- But, remember two key things, and that's it.
- 02:17
- Do whatever you do, stop, make sure your hips are offset with a man, what is this, - on the left hand, on the left side,
- 02:25
- And make sure he's on his left, and she's on her left. That's it.