线性词汇 - 示例组合1
- 艺术家姓名:
- Astor Piazzolla
- 歌名:
- Adiós Nonino
- 艺术家网站:
- http://www.piazzolla.org
(从维基百科释义):皮亚佐拉的探戈与传统探戈不同,它融合了爵士乐元素,使用扩展的和声和不和谐,使用对立点,并将其作为扩展的组合形式。正如阿根廷精神分析师卡洛斯·库里(Carlos Kuri)所指出的那样,皮亚佐拉的探戈与众多其他可辨认的西方音乐元素的结合是非常成功的,它产生了超越这些影响的新的个人风格。
- 00:07
- So, David is going to make a couple of combinations in the next videos,
- 00:11
- and we're just going to show them to you, and you can do them behind us,
- 00:14
- And basically, we will teach you this specific vocabulary,
- 00:18
- But the goal is to let you see a little bit of how much you can vary, very little and very few steps.
- 00:25
- For example, we can go...
- 00:28
- Forward, side... wait,
- 00:33
- Change weight, forward... wait.
- 00:37
- And so, if we just do that twice...
- 00:38
- Yeah, let's do that
- 00:40
- That would look like...
- 00:55
- And so, that, all by itself, is enough to make a combination.
- 00:59
- And it's worth your doing it behind us, or do it with us a little bit, just so you get used to it.
- 01:04
- Yeah, so follow along.
- 01:05
- This is, basically, just an example.
- 01:08
- We hold each other, I go forward...
- 01:11
- She stays forward, towards me, makes me to push through her,
- 01:14
- There's side. Here, we just pause, and it's complete stillness.
- 01:19
- And then the change weight.
- 01:21
- Forward, pause...
- 01:24
- And then you go on into your next thing, whatever it is, front ochos or forward, side.