포옹을 닫기위한 소개 - 뒤 Ochos
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리더 : :이 단계는 추종자의 엉덩이 각도를 이해하는 데있어 추종자에게 많은 감도가 필요합니다. 납과 감도가 명확하지 않으면 볼 수 있고 느낄 수 있습니다. 단지 넘어지는 것처럼 보입니다.
Follower For : 포옹에 뒤 ochos의 경험은 엉덩이 소켓에 많은 유연성이 필요합니다. 열린 포옹에서, 우리는 선회 톤을 말하고, 뒤로 똑바로 뒤로 걷습니다. 가까운 포옹에서는, 거의 피봇이없고 엉덩이를 돌아 다니며 뒤쪽으로 도달합니다. 유연성이 충분하지 않은 경우, 서있는 다리를 구부려 다른 다리를 더 잘 수 있습니다.
- 아티스트 이름:
- Francisco Canaro
- 노래 제목:
- Angelitos Negros
- 앨범 제목:
- Te Acordas Hermano?
그의 초기 황금 시대 작곡으로 알려진 위키 피 디아 (Wikipedia)는 비어있는 기름 통에서 첫 바이올린을 만들었다 고 말합니다.
- 00:04
- In the back ochos, this is actually a very different technique in close embrace an in open.
- 00:10
- And... Basically, this is because my arm is wrapped around her and she doesn't have the freedom of movement in her upper body
- 00:17
- And so there's much more use of the low back and the swing through the hips and the thighs to create the cross
- 00:22
- And the lead becomes more subtle, instead of pivoting her all the way, there's just this
- 00:28
- Here's a demo
- 00:40
- And now for the leaders, as you do this,
- 00:43
- I want you to first be aware that it's now going to turn a 180 the same way if it were an open embrace back ocho
- 00:50
- So I'm doing a sort of zig-zag with my feet.
- 00:52
- I'm going side, change, and then I'm going a little bit zig,
- 00:55
- and a little bit zag.
- 00:56
- If I'm doing it to the camera, I'm doing a little zig, and a little zag,
- 01:01
- almost as if it were like a diagonal stairstep.
- 01:03
- For the followers, notice the way she pivots in her lower back,
- 01:09
- and swings sort of in her left hip socket
- 01:11
- to find the room, and then in her lower back and in her right hip socket.
- 01:19
- As we do this,
- 01:21
- for the followers, also I want you to be really cautious not to lean back, so as you go back on that foot...
- 01:26
- Oh, boy, yeah
- 01:27
- There's this instinct to pull the leader, right, so you do it too good, and I forget what to say
- 01:33
- She's like it's a great burden
- 01:34
- Yeah, this is a tough world
- 01:38
- And otherwise it's the same, as if that's the same. Lot of things different.
- 01:43
- Try it.