Primo passaggio all'esecuzione del tango - Perché sembrano buone e non lo facciamo


È notevole quanto l'intento chiaro influenza sia l'esperienza del piombo / seguire e l'esperienza di altri di quanto sei bello come ballerino. Quando diciamo un'intenzione chiara, intendiamo due cose:

  1. 1. Hai già deciso quale passo dovrai prendere.
  2. 2. Il tuo corpo sa esattamente come si esegue quel passo.

In una città vicina, c'è un adesivo abbastanza comune di paraurti che dice, "prego per me, io guida Apache Trail". E quello che sta parlando è l'incidenza di persone in quella città che davvero non sanno cosa intendono fare (quando si guida) finché non si trovano a farlo. Inizieranno in una direzione e poi, al centro di questo, avranno un'idea diversa e si trasformeranno improvvisamente e poi cambieranno quel turno in modo che assomigliano alle loro auto stanno vagando in giro.

Appare a vagare intorno alla pista da ballo è veramente sub-ottimale. E lo stesso è vero all'interno di ogni passo.

  • Se stai per fare un passo laterale, sappiate cosa motiva l'estensione della tua gamba, come trasferirete il tuo peso e come fermerai quando il movimento è completo.
  • Scegli un semplice movimento e pensa a ogni piccolo elemento che va a farlo.
  • Quando fate un passo, senti i tuoi vitelli, la schiena bassa, il tuo culo? Senti quei muscoli impegnati? Ti senti in qualche luogo nelle gambe? Sei chiaro della direzione?
  • La tua mente dice: "Sto andando a lato" ma, quando guarda il tuo piede, ti trovi che sei di 10 gradi?
  • Se non sai dove stai andando, potrebbe finire in qualche altro posto. --Yogi Berra
  • Come influisce l'abbraccio sul passo laterale? Lo senti nella schiena e nelle braccia?
Nome dell'artista:
Astor Piazzolla
Titolo Canzone:
Finale (Tango Apasionado)
Titolo album:
The Rough Dancer and The Cyclical Night
Sito web dell'artista:

(Parafrasa da wikipedia): Il tango di Piazzolla era distinto dal tango tradizionale nella sua incorporazione di elementi del jazz, dal suo uso di armonie estese e dissonanze, dal suo uso di contrappunto e dalle sue iniziative in forme compositive estese. Come ha sottolineato il psicoanalista argentino Carlos Kuri, la fusione di tango di Piazzolla con questa vasta gamma di altri elementi musicali occidentali riconoscibili è stata così efficace che ha prodotto un nuovo stile individuale che trascende queste influenze.

Now, this is, actually, a chapter that I've been looking forward to.
And that's because, not that we're nuts about performing, although we like it, but, rather, that
When you talk about good performers, that becomes sort of very purely about great dance and great technique.
Because the difference between "Meh" and "Wow" is not what they do, actually. It's how they do it. Right? It's all this technique.
So, what we're going to do is have a case study. We have a little bit of choreography.
And, originally, I was going to have Malakai and Jessica do this badly,
And then we'd evolve it, until it was incredibly wonderful, so you could see the difference.
But they couldn't do it badly enough. They can only do it well.
So, I'm going to do it badly, and they're going to do it well, and then you'll see the evolution.
Come in, come in.
And so, I'll be, I guess, the leader first. And I'm going to be a bad leader, and you can watch how that changes.
So, here's the bad leader. Back up, back up.
So, we're here. And this isn't real bad, I'm going to try not to exaggerate. It's hard not to exaggerate.
And a lot of people looking at that, would say, "What's wrong with that? That looked perfectly nice."
And, maybe, it looked perfectly nice, but the point is it wasn't smashingly magnificent.
So, if we do the same thing... And I'm just going to pause, at the beginning, I just walked in.
Which is not particularly useful. It doesn't have presence, or activity in your body.
So, instead, you make your body alive. You grow like 4 inches, depending on how much you slump.
You go to your partner. The air becomes thick, and you take a step.
Jessica is like, "Wow, David, that was a big step!"
And it's a very different effect. Right? You step side, and on this lunge, instead of doing this,
Which is mini me. I'm letting my butt go back. I'm letting my head jut forward. I'm invading her space.
Instead, we're long and tall.
And I keep my spine vertical, and I go into the lunge. And it's much better.
Instead of being here, when I take her back, it wraps around, and I stay to her.
Right? In the wrap, instead of just being here, which is sort of "Blah",
Do the wrap again.
It's here. Which is very active.
Right, so there's this idea, that I want you to lengthen your body in all directions.
I want you to... Have your core be this fiery engine that emanates out to your extremities. And then you move.
And, likewise, it's true not just for leaders, but for ladies too.
So, if I'm the follower, poor Malakai now, this is what you might do, right?
And he's beautiful, and I'm, "Eh, OK". But we want more than OK.
And, literally, people do it like this.
And he was doing it really well, and I was doing it really badly.
So, let's take that first step. Once again, I want you to emanate in all directions. You take this first step towards each other.
You see a lot of energy there. On this lunge, you'll notice that I keep the body very vertical, before I let my butt tilt back.
I really point with a toe, before I let it flex. But really notice the energy and the verticality in the body.
Even when he turns me, I'm keeping that line of the body.
As he pulls me up, with abs in, I let that relate to the lift of the leg.
Thank you, very nice.
So, if you watch the good. Give it a go, guys.
So, we'll end with this thought: when you think about performing, it's not about what you do.
Because you can do anything, and it will look bad. And you can do anything, and it will look good.
Right? So it's about looking good and bad. Or bad. And we choose good.
Instead of, "Oh, I can do all this cool stuff".
I mean, we want you to learn the cool stuff too. And there are lots of chapters on cool stuff.
But, right now, this chapter is about the idea that you elongate the body, you energize.
You sort of make the energy that comes from your core, emanate, like an engine, outwards.
You stay towards your partner. You keep this going.
And, if the body alignment is right, then... And texture's thick, we'll also have a chapter about that.
Then it makes the performance work. And otherwise, who cares what you do it.