範例編舞 - 第1部分 - 介紹
- 藝術家姓名:
- Mandragora Tango
- 歌名:
- Adios Nonino
- 相冊標題:
- Let's Have Dinner And Go Dancing
- 藝術家網站:
- http://www.mandragoratango.com
從網站:Mandrágora Tango 是一個由手風琴手 Bob Barnes 和吉他手 Scott Mateo Davies 領導的探戈樂隊,這兩位來自明尼阿波利斯的音樂家對探戈充滿熱情。自2001年以來,我們一直在為舞蹈和聆聽演奏探戈,並且仍在繼續。我們已經在美國的40多個城市演出過。
- 00:04
- And so, at the beginning of this, we're going to start pretty far away. So, I really want you to take large steps.
- 00:10
- So that there's this sense of traveling, of distance.
- 00:12
- So, when we start, first, I'm going to do this... movement, and she's going to do the same movement.
- 00:17
- So, it goes, da-ram-pam-pa-ram-pi-da-dam, bum, bum, bum. You'll hear it shortly.
- 00:22
- And I'll point out far... turn, cut... and reach to her.
- 00:30
- And you see, it travels. So, doing it with the music:
- 00:40
- Yeah, we weren't far enough, so we crossed. But, you want to be pretty far, so that, when I do that ta-ta-da-da-ti-da-da,
- 00:49
- And she does the same, ta-ta-ta-ta-da-da-ti-da-da, we're right here in front of each other.
- 00:55
- And for the audience, at another angle, you want to pass pretty close.
- 00:58
- So, if we do it this way to the camera, and we're going to step small, so it can be seen.
- 01:03
- So, let's see... Actually, you'd be facing the camera, I'd be facing away.
- 01:07
- So, it goes, da-da-da-da-di-da-da... And I go here. And she does the same thing, da-da-da-da-di-da-da.
- 01:13
- And, you want to think that you pass right by each other.
- 01:16
- For the audience that's on the other side, so they get something too. As you pass, and then... Then you miss each other almost.
- 01:23
- So, after that initial thing, da-da-da-da-di-da-da... So, I'll do it once, she'll do it once.
- 01:30
- And then, she does it bum-bum-bum, comes in. Right here, we'll both cut behind, da-da-da-da-di-da-da, and reach the other way.
- 01:42
- And then, bum-bum-bum, on the return, I'm stepping around in front of her, and we collect.
- 01:51
- Next time it goes da-da-pa-pa-pi-da-da, that's a slow lunge for her, going away from me.
- 01:57
- And then, on the bum-bum-bum, I'm coming towards her.
- 02:03
- And that's your intro.
- 02:06
- You hear this phrase four times. Each time it takes a count of eight.
- 02:12
- And, in each one of these, because it's repeated, we do something that's repeated. But we add variety, right?
- 02:17
- Once it's me, once it's her. Once it's both of us, but away. And once, it's her, and then me going towards her.
- 02:30
- So, remember, as you're performing this, the passion, intensity.
- 02:36
- And now it's your turn to do.
- 02:39
- D: She can't slump as well as I can slump.
J: No, I can't. - 02:42
- Right? So, instead of being, "Ugh", I want you to be... Here, for the close-up camera.
- 02:49
- If she's here, and I'm here. And I'm like this.
- 02:54
- There's nothing. Watch, I'll even look at her.
- 03:01
- She's thinking, "David is a dork. David is a dork".
- 03:05
- So, really, really, really, you need to... Watch the difference. Here's one place,
- 03:17
- And there's another, right? So, really, really, I want you to lengthen a lot in your body. And then, also, when you step.
- 03:24
- As we're here, if I'm... It's a very different thing, dramatically. If I'm here and I go, da-da-pa-da-da-pi-da-da,
- 03:30
- And she does the same, ba-da-ba-ba-da-pi-da-da. That's one thing.
- 03:35
- It's a very different thing, if you really... Shoot, oh, you're so close.
- 03:40
- That's one step, right? OK, she's like, "I hope you make it, Jessica".
- 03:46
- So, I'm here, I reach. I cut, I say, "Hello". And then, she reaches, she cuts, and she says, "Hello".
- 03:56
- And then, the audience says, "Wow, something happened!"