詞彙 - 採取2 - 領導者 - 媒體維爾塔
- 對於領導者:在旋轉的開始,當她沿著身體向前走時,我們通常會通過胸部和腹部進行旋轉更多的臀部。隨著它的轉動,臀部變得更加參與。
- 有一件事我(大衛說)不得不打,因為我正在學習這個組合不僅僅是一個身體的領先,但確保左臂沒有放棄,因為我的樞軸。因為左臂是軀幹樞轉的靜止,所以它也有助於激勵跟隨者的樞軸。
- 在樞紐後,有時候,在跟隨者擺動之後,採取最小的呼吸有時是有用的,然後嘆息到下一步。
- 藝術家姓名:
- QTango
- 歌名:
- La Cumparsita
- 相冊標題:
- It Takes Q To Tango
- 藝術家網站:
- http://www.qtango.com/
(從網站):創作於2009年7月,第三代探戈音樂家和歌劇歌手Erskine Maytorena,QTANGO在整個西南各地經常進行正宗的阿根廷探戈安排,每週兩到三次,由探戈舞者和聽眾組成。
- 00:22
- And now when you do the media vuelta,
I want you to think in particular… - 00:27
- ..well, I think three or four new thoughts.
- 00:29
- I'm like "in particular about this one no two no three.
Four things." Four new things. - 00:33
- First thing is I want you to be aware
of the way... - 00:35
- ..that you motivate each one of her steps.
- 00:38
- So that as I take her,
so you can see this, to you… - 00:42
- ..there’s back, here’s that small side.
- 00:46
- Here’s her beginning to go forward,
her shifting forward… - 00:50
- ..and then, there’s her pivot.
- 00:54
- So there’s this idea that each one of those
different pieces of motion you motivate… - 00:59
- .. and there’s a beginning and an end.
- 01:00
- And I want you to be aware of:
well, when did she get all the way over the foot? - 01:07
- So right here, through the
turn of my mid section… - 01:11
- ..I help her go around me.
- 01:14
- Then I turn more and I turn until
she goes all the way forward… - 01:19
- ..and now I’m going to pivot around her axis,
much like a front ocho actually. - 01:23
- Except different leg position.
- 01:25
- So that’s the first thing. Second thing.
- 01:27
- As you pivot her, the imagery I want you to have is
that she is static and that you move her. - 01:32
- And she’s almost a statue and that it’s almost as if
you were walking around her… - 01:35
- ..give it a go, walk around me.
And she’s just here pivoting. - 01:39
- I like being a statue.
- 01:41
- Or I can walk her,
since she likes being a statue. - 01:44
- So she can just be here
and I walk around her… - 01:47
- N: Oh that’s so fun.
D: ..and then we exit. - 01:50
- Oh that’s fun.
- 01:51
- So...
- 01:53
- We’ll teach you more about how to do that
in a different video. - 01:58
- As you motivate that pivot,
the trick is to stop it early enough. - 02:01
- So a lot of women will want to turn
too much. - 02:03
- So for example, if I’m turning her
to face me… - 02:08
- ..right, right and she’s way over there
and I’m over here. - 02:11
- That was a good bad.
- 02:13
- Well it's just women are easy to -
some women are very easy to pivot. - 02:16
- And they just keep going.
- 02:17
- And so as you turn her, I want you to think -
you want to stop at almost a hair early… - 02:21
- ..so she stops when she's facing you.
- 02:27
- If I’m doing it to you, the leader,
you want to think that... - 02:31
- ..you want the follower to stop not there...
- 02:34
- ..but instead you want the follower
to stop...there to you. - 02:40
- Last thought is the end of this media vuelta,
that can be a beautiful melting out. - 02:47
- Did I mention it was beautiful?
I’m just checking. - 02:52
- So after this pivot, it pivots and then it goes on.
N. This moment, when we just begin... - 02:57
- ... when the leader just begins to move back...
- 03:00
- ..and the follower is finishing the pivot
and then moving forward with the leader...it can be really cool. - 03:05
- But it’s not the last thought.
It’s the second to the last thought. - 03:08
- The last thought is, for the leaders, there’s really
a tendency to steer like that. D. Thank you. - 03:14
- And so we thought that it would be
a really good idea, just once, if you… - 03:19
- ..no not just once, until it gets good.
- 03:22
- If, for a few times, you led the media vuelta
without your arms, like that. - 03:27
- Followers, hold them tight and then just follow
the way you normally would… - 03:30
- ..but make him use his chest.
- 03:39
- Like that.
- 03:41
- Thank you.