簡單過渡 - 從前八到無限
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- 藝術家姓名:
- Narisco Saul
- 歌名:
- Jacinto Chiclana
- 相冊標題:
- El Tango de Narisco
- 藝術家網站:
- http://www.narcisosaul.com.ar
從網站 - 大致翻譯:1957年6月21日出生於布宜諾斯艾利斯。 他於1965年開始學習音樂,從鋼琴開始,後來專注於電吉他。 1975年開始學習古典吉他和和聲,1977年進入胡安·何塞·卡斯特羅省立音樂學院,師從恩里克·貝洛克、格拉謝拉·龐波尼奧和佩德羅·米格爾·安赫爾·吉羅萊特·奇安巴雷塔等人。1985年畢業,獲得高級吉他講師稱號。 自1978年以來從事流行音樂工作。1979年開始跟隨吉他手馬里奧·安德雷奧拉學習爵士樂。 自1980年以來,他在薩爾瓦多大學(音樂治療學院)任教,自1988年以來在曼努埃爾·德·法亞市立音樂學院任教。
- 00:06
- The earlier videos said: "Wherever I happen to be starting - let's go from there and do a gancho, a drag, whatever it is."
- 00:14
- This video is saying: "I'm starting at front ocho, what can I do?"
- 00:19
- And just like in earlier videos, we said, "Well, you can do your gancho, or drag, no matter where you start."
- 00:24
- I'm going to say, "If you start at front ocho, you can do anything."
- 00:28
- So, for example, if we have front ocho,
- 00:36
- You pivot further, and it becomes a drag.
- 00:41
- And that's a natural extension of that drag we already taught you.
- 00:44
- If you have front ocho,
- 00:49
- You change pivot - there's your freno. I think we might have even taught this one.
- 00:53
- What else might we do? You have going to gancho. You have front ocho.
- 00:58
- Let's say, for example, that you check to come back.
- 01:03
- Molinette: you have front ocho, you're sort of getting the idea.
- 01:09
- At any point you want, you just turn - there's molinette.
- 01:18
- It's kind of cool. It's really confusing in the beginning. So don't feel bad.
- 01:22
- And don't be impatient with yourself.
- 01:25
- I'm going to come with two more examples, though.
- 01:26
- You have two more examples.
- 01:27
- Two more examples. so let's pick a lunge, too.
- 01:29
- So, you have front ocho... it's starting in a very repetitive way.
- 01:34
- And then, on any one of these front ochos, maybe we turn it into... a lunge, or... a lunge.
- 01:43
- And finally, let's say you have, you want to turn it into a wrap.
- 01:47
- So, you have front ocho,
- 01:51
- And, let me... I have to work this one out in my mind.
- 01:54
- So, we're here. I'll change, and then extend through her pivot, and there's our wrap.
- 02:02
- So, even he had to work it through, and that's the thing - it's kind of cool, just play with it.
- 02:07
- Pick any base, and then just look around - what could you do from there?
- 02:12
- And, if you say, "Well, here's where I'm starting, what's the path of least distance?"
- 02:18
- Nancy: That's good.
David: First, start with where you want to end. "OK, I want to end in a wrap". - 02:21
- Alright, so in a wrap, the normal wrap, for example, I'm on my left, she's on her right, natural opposite.
- 02:27
- So, I'm going to have to change my weight, because front ochos are cross-system.
- 02:30
- And then my right leg will have to be in between. And you say, "Well, when can I get to that position?"
- 02:35
- And then, all of a sudden, it sort of helps itself be discovered.
- 02:38
- So, you can start that by doing it with us, in the examples that we just gave you,
- 02:42
- And then you can use that to look around and see if you can come to them by yourself.