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- 藝術家姓名:
- Aníbal Troilo
- 歌名:
- Seleccion de tangos de Anibal Troilo
- 相冊標題:
- Como Yo Lo Siento
- 藝術家網站:
- http://www.troilo.com.ar/
(維基百科):Anibal Troilo是阿根廷的bandoneon球員,作曲家,編曲人和樂隊主演。在探戈黃金時期(1940-1955),他的奧斯卡最受歡迎的社交舞者,但他在20世紀50年代末變成了一場音樂會。 Troilo的樂團以其樂器而聞名,並與許多歌手一起錄製。
- 00:05
- For those who would like...
- 00:06
- ..we’re going to show those three steps
that we just did in the previous chapter.
- 00:09
- We’re going to do them slowly...
- 00:11
- ..so that you have time to follow along with us
and see each place broken down.
- 00:18
- So this is the first one where we,
not chronologically but stepwise...
- 00:22
- ..we're going to do it on Step 3 of the Basic.
- 00:24
- So we have one, two, three.
- 00:28
- Now how do you get into front ochos?
He changes weight and pivots her.
- 00:32
- So I’m changing weight and pivoting her...
- 00:36
- ..and then we step side, pivot.
- 00:42
- And so for the leaders,
if you watched that...
- 00:44
- ..you’ve got side, forward, forward...
- 00:49
- ..I stopped just a hair early,
so she doesn’t cross.
- 00:53
- I start pivoting her and changing wait.
- 00:57
- And then we can go into that front ocho.
- 01:00
- For the followers, this actually is
an opportunity for a beautiful embellishment.
- 01:19
- Let’s do that one, one more time.
- 01:36
- When we talk about waiting,
and we talk about active waiting.
- 01:39
- Waiting is really harder than it seems
for the follower.
- 01:42
- It really just means
exactly what it sounds like.
- 01:45
- We stand tall on whatever ball of the foot
the man put us on...
- 01:48
- ..or the leader put us on
and then we let him do us both.
- 01:53
- And when we get so that we can really do that...
- 01:55
- ..it makes everything so much easier.
- 01:57
- Yes.
- 01:58
- So we’ll do the second variation now.
- 02:01
- This was at the cross, side, one, two, cross.
It’s the fourth step.
- 02:06
- Now once again I’m going to change weight
and then I’m going to pivot her...
- 02:09
- ..and she’s going to pivot on her left foot,
the crossed foot..
- 02:13
- ...and there are our ochos.
- 02:19
- And then, if we want, you can go straight
back to that tango close.
- 02:24
- For the leaders, the thing I want you to think about,
two things actually.
- 02:28
- One is, like every other step...
- 02:30
- ..make sure she’s on the ball of that foot
and then just pivot her.
- 02:33
- Even though she’s in a cross,
she still can.
- 02:35
- And I want to make that point
for the followers too.
- 02:37
- That, just because she’s - get in the cross now,
right there.
- 02:39
- She’s on her left foot.
So it’s funny, but she can still pivot...
- 02:43
- ..and it’s actually once again
a beautiful embellishment.
- 02:47
- A lot of wonderful things come out of the cross.
- 02:49
- So let’s do that again.
A new angle actually.
- 03:01
- I change my weight, not her’s.
- 03:04
- There’s that pivot.
- 03:16
- And now our last combination,
which was after the cross.
- 03:20
- Here, new angle. Why not?
- 03:23
- So we went side...
- 03:29
- And now I change my wait, not her’s.
- 03:39
- Or again.
- 03:48
- After the cross, I change my weight not her’s,
pivot her...
- 03:51
- ..and we once again into the front ochos.
- 03:56
- And so once again I want to emphasize
that the transition is just that.
- 03:59
- For the follower you wait and you pivot.
- 04:01
- And even if you’re in a cross like this...
- 04:03
- ..whatever direction he pivots you,
you pivot that way and then you can go.
- 04:07
- Or even if you’re going to a cross like this...
- 04:11
- ..you can still go in whatever direction
he takes you.
- 04:13
- And for the leaders, that really is, wherever you are,
you change your weight not her’s...
- 04:17
- ..and you pivot her.