升降機 - 輕鬆坐在空中
- 力學:在這種情況下,定位坐,使她的雙腿最重要,然後進入,靠近身體,對於兩個人都很強壯,使電梯本身應該容易。
- 平衡:用雙腳保持垂直的購買將真正幫助他。追隨者的貢獻可能在於所有事物都是緩慢的和受控制的(特別是在開始時)。
- 藝術家姓名:
- Gideon Kremer
- 歌名:
- Celos
- 相冊標題:
- Hommage a Piazzolla
- 藝術家網站:
- http://www.kremerata-baltica.com/
(從網站):Kremerata Baltica,一個室內樂團,於1997年由著名的小提琴家Gidon Kremer創建,他是樂團的藝術總監和獨奏小提琴家。樂團的高藝術品質是個人音樂家和克雷默(Kremer)創作的創作方式的卓越才能的結果。
- 00:03
- So, in this series of chapters, we're going to,
- 00:07
- Hopefully, give you all the foundations you would need to become very good at doing different kind of lifts.
- 00:13
- This chapter is going to be just one lift. But we're going to teach you a lot of fundamentals that will be very transferable.
- 00:19
- And then, in the next couple of chapters, we'll, sort of, expand the idea.
- 00:25
- So, to begin, we have Malakai and Jessica. Wonderful. Pleasure to have you. And,
- 00:31
- So, we're going to get in to this lift. It's going to start like a front ocho. So, if you could just do.
- 00:39
- And just show them the whole thing. Keep going.
- 00:48
- Yeah, beautiful.
- 00:51
- Yeah. Beautiful.
- 00:52
- And so, to break that down... Everyone is, like, "Oh, we want to do that, but there's no way we can do that".
- 00:56
- Really, really, there is a way you can do that. So, start with front ocho. And this is the exact same as normal.
- 01:02
- But, right here, when he puts his right foot down, he's...
- 01:05
- After you pivot her, and then, his right foot will go, so he can be behind her, and underneath.
- 01:10
- Yes. And show that from the other angle. So, if we turn you around,
- 01:14
- Right here, you'll see, that he's on this side of her body. So, he can be behind, and underneath, and very snug.
- 01:21
- And if you look at her left arm, it's in and down.
- 01:24
- And so, right there, they're already in a very good place to do a lift.
- 01:28
- If you do one more time, sideways to the camera.
- 01:32
- So, scoot towards me a little bit, and give it a go.
- 01:36
- Right there, you see there's no space. He's behind and underneath. Her leg extends, because he extends his leg.
- 01:42
- Right now, he's going to lead her leg up, by lifting up with the back arm. He throws it over his left shoulder. Leg comes around.
- 01:50
- Right there, with her left leg, she's pulling down. With her left shoulder blade, she's pulling down.
- 01:55
- With his right arm, he's pulling up. There are so many points of contact.
- 01:58
- So, then it's very easy, to lift her up. Beautiful.
- 02:04
- Now, as you do that... And you can put her down.
- 02:07
- For the ladies, I really want you to almost think that you can levitate.
- 02:12
- That, if I'm here, and we're in that same position, and he lifts me up - let go.
- 02:19
- Right? So that you're working too. You're pulling down with your left shoulder blade. You're pulling down with your left thigh.
- 02:25
- And, likewise, for the guys, I want you to be able to do this.
- 02:29
- And, she's here. And if she lets go, likewise, you have a really good hold of her.
- 02:37
- And so, if you have more than you need, then when you both do it, it becomes very easy.
- 02:42
- So, let's do this again, slowly.
- 02:46
- We have side; he pivots her; he steps behind and underneath her left.
- 02:51
- They extend the legs together. He lifts up. That lifts the leg; throws her over his left shoulder.
- 02:55
- She pushes down with her left leg... And it floats as it turns. Unwinds...
- 03:03
- And now, I want to illustrate some meta concepts.
- 03:06
- So, think of this as part 2 of this chapter.
- 03:09
- Part 1 is how to do that, and do it slowly, there's no jump. Part 2 is, "What are the key concepts?".
- 03:15
- So, key concept number 1 is that, almost always, ladies. Not always, but almost always,
- 03:23
- A lot of the weight is going to go through a leg, and through your arm. So, you're helping a lot.
- 03:27
- And, for the leaders, almost always, when you do this, you're going to have her very snug, and you're going to be underneath her.
- 03:33
- And so, that's true in this. But this will also be true in the next couple of chapters, where we do sort of different things with lifts.
- 03:39
- I want to talk now about some things that you shouldn't do.
- 03:43
- Malakai is, like, "Great".
- 03:44
- So, first thing, there's this lady jumping. So, show, but don't show too bad. Because you actually can hurt your partner.
- 03:52
- So, right here. Give it a go.
- 03:55
- She actually jumped the good way. Here, I'm going to do the bad way. Sorry.
- 04:00
- She's, like, "I don't know how to do it wrong, David!"
- 04:02
- So, right here, as he goes to pick me up, I'm, like, "OK!"
- 04:06
- And he did really good being engaged. But, usually, what happens is, the guy is, like, "OK, I'm getting ready, Wha-ooh!".
- 04:11
- And he drops. So, ladies, you do not jump. He picks you up, slowly and gradually. You do a lot of this.
- 04:20
- Also, there's the alignment of the body. So, for the leaders, he has beautiful vertical alignment.
- 04:25
- And, there's often this instinct to curl into her space, sort of pull her back and get over.
- 04:32
- So, do the wrong, and do the right. Do it sideways to the camera. So, we're going to face you... Yeah. Yes, that's right.
- 04:44
- OK, we're going to have to cut that wrong, because that wrong is way too good.
- 04:48
- David: You're fine, you're fine. So, the wrong would be curling the back, as you do it.
Nancy: David, you do the wrong. - 04:53
- I'll do the wrong. Yeah.
- 04:58
- We might email it to your parents, but, no. So, the wrong, for the guys.
- 05:04
- Beautiful right here,
- 05:08
- Notice, I put her arm around my neck, so she can use both arms.
- 05:11
- And then, this is... one of two things, right? So, people can lean forward, "Ugh!"
- 05:19
- Or, for example, you might...
- 05:24
- Right, so I want you to think, instead, that your spine stays vertical.
- 05:32
- And so, if you watch from the side, I'm just up.
- 05:38
- So, one more time. Just do slowly, large. And come a little closer to the camera. Yeah.