你的第一場舞蹈 - 體重變化和行走
- 人們常說(這也是完全正確的),即使在探戈最重要的元素中,步行和體重變化也是最重要的。
- 對我們來說,這是我們舞蹈中最令人滿意和最愉快的方面之一。
- 需要很長時間才能「得到」。
- 但思考的時間是如此寶貴: 「一位富有的老太太決定去非洲進行一次攝影之旅。她帶著她忠實的寵物貴賓犬作伴。有一天,貴賓犬開始追逐蝴蝶,不久它就發現自己迷路了。
豹子聞言,頓時停下了攻擊,臉上露出驚恐之色,溜進了樹林裡。 「哇,」豹子說。 “很接近了。那隻貴賓犬差一點就抓住了我。”
那隻蠢猴子在哪裡?我半小時前就送他走了,去給我帶來另一隻豹子! 」
- 順便說一句,深刻的事情,你不會有一天醒來就在那裡,你現在就深刻了。你工作、辛苦、快樂,一段時間後,你會獲得更大的深度。你工作,你辛勞,你不斷地投入自己,之後,你變得更深刻、更真實,體驗也變得更加美妙。最酷的部分是這個過程不會結束。
- 藝術家姓名:
- Anibal Troilo
- 歌名:
- A Fuego Lento
- 相冊標題:
- A Fuego Lento
Anibal Troilo有一種更抒情的風格,是探戈音樂的“黃金時代”(20世紀30年代中期到20世紀50年代中期)。在Milongas聽到的更常見的人之一。
- 00:07
- So this chapter is about walking and weight changes,
which are some of the most profound, - 00:11
- This is what we always come back to.
- 00:13
- And I want you to think about the weight changes especially,
- 00:16
- But eventually once you develop
an increasing mastery of the walking, - 00:19
- That this is like the conversations
that go late on into the night. - 00:23
- You're talking with a friend and it's just - you're in this zone of
oneness and bonding and awesomeness. - 00:29
- And that is what a weight change is like.
- 00:30
- N: That's really good.
D: Yea, yea. - 00:31
- That's exactly what it is really like.
- 00:33
- It's really that profound.
- 00:35
- And you do it through the touch,
instead of through the words. - 00:40
- That's one thought.
- 00:41
- A second thought is that you can make a whole dance
with just walking and weight changes. - 00:44
- And when you add in these other elements; the front and back ochos
and the basic, - 00:49
- Then you have sort of more than you need
for a whole dance. - 00:51
- And later on in this video we're going to show you,
- 00:53
- making a whole dance with just walking
and weight changes. - 00:55
- So, for the weight change I really want you to think
that you take your time. - 01:04
- We're here, I'm going to compress in.
She's going to match me and be strong. - 01:09
- I'll take a breath.
- 01:13
- And then I go up...
- 01:16
- Over...
- 01:18
- And down.
- 01:20
- And I really take my time.
- 01:21
- If we do this close to the camera,
it becomes this. - 01:25
- You hold your partner and you go...
- 01:36
- And so that makes it very real.
- 01:38
- It sounds silly but women really do swoon for this,
if you do it slowly enough. - 01:42
- For the men it's excruciatingly slow when you start.
- 01:45
- And however slow you think you can go,
it's not slow enough for the women. - 01:49
- But when you get the guts, and it really is,
when you get the guts to do it... - 01:53
- The conviction...
- 01:54
- It's very rewarding.
- 01:56
- And now for walking, for now I want you to think
you can go in any direction. - 02:00
- So we can go, him forward,
her back or weight change. - 02:05
- Her forward, him back
or weight change. - 02:08
- We can step side or side or weight change
or weight change. - 02:15
- Right, so we can go in any direction.
- 02:16
- And if you put these together...
- 02:17
- All of a sudden you can make a dance
with only that. - 02:19
- Walking forward, back,
side or weight changes. - 02:21
- And that would look something like this.
- 02:46
- And as you are watching this
you don't say to yourself, - 02:48
- "Man that's so boring," or "Man that is so repetitive."
You say "Oh that's cool." - 02:53
- It doesn't take much to make a dance.
- 02:54
- And when you have the good connection and have more technique
with the walking and the weight changes... - 03:01
- It can really be a very rich experience.
- 03:04
- So think about how this is wonderfully cool and work.
- 03:10
- Walking is really hard. But when it works together
and you're moving as one body, it's really fun.