First Pass tại buổi biểu diễn Tango - Để tất cả chúng cùng nhau

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Bạn sẽ bị hóa đá trước khi trình diễn lần đầu tiên? Rất ít người làm những gì mình gọi là "nhảy múa" (khiêu vũ tốt hơn nhảy thường). Hầu hết các điệu nhảy đều tồi tệ hơn do dây thần kinh hoặc sự tập trung phân chia.

Vì vậy, chúng tôi khuyên bạn nên làm quen với điệu nhảy của bạn đến mức tốt nhất tiếp theo của bạn là cực kỳ tốt. Thực sự biết vũ đạo giúp thần kinh. Ngoài ra, nó giúp hình dung niềm vui bên trong khiêu vũ, ngay khi bạn bắt đầu di chuyển, mọi thứ biến mất và chỉ có những điệu nhảy còn lại.

Nếu bạn đã quen với việc biểu diễn, hãy suy nghĩ về cách bạn có thể làm cho dự án trình diễn của bạn trở nên hấp dẫn hơn đối với khán giả, ngay cả khi nó được cho là kết nối lãng mạn của bạn với đối tác. Hãy nhớ và tưởng tượng nó kéo năng lượng của bạn đến các góc của căn phòng. Mặc dù âm thanh rất lạ, điều đó thực sự giúp.

Tên nghệ sĩ:
Color Tango
Tên bài hát:
A Evaristo Carriego
Tiêu đề album:
Con Estilo Para Bailar 2
Trang nghệ sĩ:

(Được diễn giải từ Color Tango được thành lập và được đạo diễn bởi Roberto Alvarez. Trích dẫn Roberto Alvarez: "Âm nhạc của chúng tôi tập trung vào những gì tango là: điệu nhảy Tango đã có một thời kỳ tồi tệ, khi các dàn nhạc hòa tan."

So, you're about to see two small sections of choreography that I created for Malakai and Jessica.
And, we'll stop it there.
That was two small pieces from one of their choreographies. It's online, so you can see the thing in its entirety.
But I'd like to talk about how they were...
All of the pieces that we've been talking about, in these recent chapters, were incorporated.
So, at the beginning, the music started. And there was this beginning in the music. And so, they had a beginning, where ...
Just sketch it. So, let me move you here. You don't have to really do it. Don't pick her up.
Just so the viewer knows what we're talking about.
So, at the beginning, they're there. He walks around, yada-yada.
Here they emote passion. Right there, the music has this slow sustainment.
And I thought, "Oh, that would be fun". So, we had some dramatic beginning. Which was all about this lift. So, he lifts her up.
Not to this music. You know, it fit the music better. Give it a go, keep going.
One, two, three. Takes her out. Takes her back. Puts her up. Onward, upward.
This is, you know. The real thing is better than this.
They come up, and then she goes down. And there's this beautiful line, long and lyrical.
And so, that's one section of the music. And then, all of a sudden, it becomes very strident. Much like this: "Da, da, da, da; da da".
And when you hit this strident thing, then, all of a sudden, they go into these sacadas. Bang! Bang! Right.
And so, that was the first section. Was how... The... You have these different phrases in the music, and we fit the choreography to that.
And you see that they have their bodies very long and active. And that their movement wasn't even.
It was rich and textured and had moving through.
Later on, they had a second set. Actually, the music you hear now, right, it's very fast.
And so, when you watch the video clip, you'll see the fast to this.
Then, the second section had the same idea. It starts with an exuding chemistry, which is this choreographic structure.
That you have some things that are about fancy tricks. You have some things that are about chemistry.
You have some things that are about cool steps.
And so, they exude chemistry. And then, they go from this thing of exuding chemistry, to this sharp, cool step.
So, if you do that,
Right here, they're sideways, they exuding chemistry, she drags up along him, "Oh, my".
There's the pressure, yada-yada-yada, he walks around.
It's still slow, and long. And right there, just hit the lunge line.
And, there's this beautiful line. And then, I better move out of the way.
It becomes sharp, and dramatic. Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! And they keep going, enganches, and so on and so forth. Thank you.
So, when you watch this chapter, I actually want you to watch it twice. The beginning, watch the beginning again.
So, right now, the comment is: see how it fits the music.
Then, also see, how, because it fits the music, and the music is appropriate, so it's very varied,
That... The choreography itself has sections. Of acting, or big trick, or cool combination. Or something to keep the interest.
And then, as you watch, also notice how alive their bodies are.
So, that... Even if you have all these other pieces working together, without life, you know, you can be like this.
Greatest choreography in the world, greatest music,
No one's going to want to pay to see that.