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--- 비디오 다운로드 ---
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- 아티스트 이름:
- Ruth Roshan
- 노래 제목:
- Tango For A Girl Child
- 앨범 제목:
- Tango Noir
- 아티스트 웹 사이트:
- http://www.ruthroshan.com
웹 사이트에서 : Tango Noir의 두 번째 오리지널 앨범 인 "Darling ... 자신에게 머물러 라"에서 Ruth는 카바레, 탱고, Habanera, Waltz의 리듬을 사용하고 Ruth는 1930 년대 베를린의 분위기를 성공적으로 불어 넣습니다. 동시에 새롭고 향수 인 음악을 창조한다. 그것은 매우 경청되고 아름다운 앨범입니다.
- 00:04
- In the gancho, there are a lot of things
that you can emphasize. - 00:07
- I’m going to talk about two.
- 00:09
- One is that same bang at that top, that accent.
- 00:13
- And we’re going to do it at different speeds
and you’ll see that we maintain that, regardless. - 00:18
- And then, it’s nice, you know, that we have a slower song...
- 00:21
- ..which is maybe more challenging
but also more fun. - 00:24
- And then, also, we’re going to talk about
the way the gancho... - 00:28
- ..can be about the relationship between
the two bodies, which I think is very cool. - 00:36
- So, from a relational perspective,
right here,… - 00:41
- ..she goes back with her thigh,
hits in the knee, releases. - 00:47
- And there really is that sense that the thighs
really wrap around each other... - 00:51
- ..but the knees are close.
- 00:53
- So, it’s almost as if, with your legs, you’re hooking...
- 00:57
- .. the same way you might hook arms.
- 01:02
- And so, her hips face away
to enable that. - 01:04
- But, in the upper body, we can be here,
which I think is a wonderful thing. - 01:13
- Talking about the accent at the top,
- 01:18
- Here, let me be the girl.
May I have a leg? - 01:22
- And actually I’m going to rotate the leg.
- 01:23
- There we go.
Ah, very good. - 01:27
- So, with her, I can even slowly go, pow,
or a different angle. - 01:39
- So you see, even in slow motion
our gancho has that tip at the top. - 01:43
- We don’t go…pow, where it sort of just blends together
into one meaningless mush. - 01:49
- We go: pow, and you see that tip,
even if it’s slow. - 01:57
- And if it’s fast, it’s the same,...
or faster yet. - 02:03
- Slow the video down,
play it slow motion, if you can. - 02:06
- Download it, use VLC, then do the loop.
I’ll put it in the comments how to do it. - 02:12
- So you can do slow motion,
download the video… - 02:14
- ..and you can see it’s still fast
and then faster at the top. - 02:18
- But, keep that same accent.
- 02:22
- Showing again.
- 02:25
- Here, you can see the relationship in the thighs.
- 02:28
- And also the relationship in the heads.
- 02:31