Sistem Salib di Sudut Kanan - Ocho, Stairstep
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Kami, dan sebagian besar siswa kami, berpikir bahwa ini adalah kombinasi yang keren dan sangat mudah diakses. Ini menarik secara visual dan, begitu Anda mendapatkan rasa menjaga tubuh dan kaki di sudut kanan dan melangkah kira-kira dengan ukuran yang sama, itu tidak sulit dilakukan.
- Nama artis:
- Osvaldo Pugliese
- Judul lagu:
- Antiguo Reloj De Cobre
- Judul album:
- Ausencia
- Situs artis:
(Dari Wikipedia): Dia mengembangkan pengaturan dramatis yang mempertahankan elemen kuat dari beat beat tango sambil berjalan namun juga menggembar-gemborkan perkembangan musik tango bergaya konser. Beberapa musiknya, kebanyakan sejak tahun 50an, digunakan untuk pertunjukan tarian teater. Di Buenos Aires, Pugliese sering dimainkan kemudian di malam hari saat para penari ingin menari lebih pelan, impresionis dan intim.
- 00:06
- So, this series of chapters is going to be about walking cross system, which means I'm on my left when she's on her left,
- 00:12
- At right angles, which means we're at a right angle.
- 00:16
- And, one of the really cool things about this is it's not really that much harder. It's a little bit harder, but only a little.
- 00:24
- And the cool factor jumps up dramatically, right? So you do this much little harder, and you get this much more cool factor.
- 00:31
- So it looks really different, and it feels really different, and it isn't that hard.
- 00:35
- To begin with,
- 00:38
- We have side, I change my weight, and then right here, after this pivot, If I step to my left - we do front ocho.
- 00:45
- But, if instead of stepping to my left, I pivoted her, then we would go into back ocho.
- 00:50
- So we can just go, step, pivot, step, pivot, step, pivot, step...
- 00:57
- And we can pivot, and we can say, "You know what? I've changed my mind." And we'll bring her back. And now we have front ochos.
- 01:02
- So, this idea of changing our mind... Now we have back ochos.
- 01:08
- So that we can go back and forth. So front ochos and back ochos are very reversible.
- 01:12
- A lot of people really like that.
- 01:15
- But what's more, is we can walk in this sort of configuration of front and back ocho.
- 01:20
- So, for example, if we're about to do a front ocho, we go
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- Side, he changes weight, we pivot her, right now we're at a right angle.
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- And normally,
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- My left foot is free.
- 01:30
- For this front ocho, I walk side, as she walks forward.
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- But now, instead of pivoting her, I can walk forward, and she can walk side.
- 01:40
- And so we can travel across the floor, in this sort of stairstep walk.
- 01:45
- Side, I change weight, she pivots.
- 01:48
- Now, right here, the configuration of the feet is sort of important, so you'll notice that my feet are...
- 01:54
- Off the line of her feet, so put your... Go forward with your left foot. So, you'll see, she's free to go forward.
- 01:59
- But can they see that? Can they see that?
- 02:10
- See, there's a... You can imagine there's a little box, like this.
- 02:13
- And that her feet are right here, and then my feet are right here.
- 02:17
- And so, she can walk forward, or I can walk forward.
- 02:27
- So, I walk forward, she walks... I walk side, she walks forward, and visa versa.
- 02:31
- So, he out-steps me, and then I out-step him.
- 02:35
- And that's what gives us the space to walk.
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- And, as we do this, if you look at our upper body,
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- We're here, towards each other.
- 02:44
- So, if we do this, and we're like this,
- 02:46
- Hm
- 02:48
- You know, it's not so good. But, if you do this...
- 02:55
- And then, at any point, this is where it gets really cool, you can transition to forward or backward ochos.
- 03:01
- So, for example, I could step...
- 03:03
- Side the other way, she went back, that's part of a backward ocho. And then I'll pivot her.
- 03:15
- And then we can go back to that stair-step.
- 03:19
- Or, I can step side, and there she is in backward ocho.
- 03:25
- If you do that into backward ochos, followers, be sure you pivot enough.
- 03:29
- And, likewise, we can do the same thing to forward ocho.
- 03:33
- Here's our stair-step.
- 03:38
- And then right here, I'll draw my right arm in, and I'll pivot her into forward ocho.
- 03:45
- And then into stair-step.
- 03:47
- Let's do that closer to the camera.
- 03:56
- And there's that transition into forward ocho, from stair-step.
- 04:06
- And then back.
- 04:08
- So, the final idea, though, is that we have backward and forward ochos, which you already know,
- 04:12
- But now I want to really highlight the fact that you can put them together anyway you like.
- 04:16
- And then there's this idea that you can walk at this right angle,
- 04:19
- And, as long as you face each other, and are completely enchanted,
- 04:21
- It works wonderfully well. And you can mix all three of these things together, and it becomes very cool.