附加起始要素 - 六計數基本
- 這是一個非常多才多藝的核心開始步驟。它可以轉動它可以很容易地跳舞到華爾茲時間。
- 使用更簡單的步驟來處理困難的事情是個好主意。所以這是一個很好的一步,如果你想要工作的導航或音樂,連接或造型或...
- 藝術家姓名:
- Aníbal Troilo
- 歌名:
- Pa' Que Bailen Los Muchachos
- 相冊標題:
- Como Yo Lo Siento
- 藝術家網站:
- http://www.troilo.com.ar/
(維基百科):Anibal Troilo是阿根廷的bandoneon球員,作曲家,編曲人和樂隊主演。在探戈黃金時期(1940-1955),他的奧斯卡最受歡迎的社交舞者,但他在20世紀50年代末變成了一場音樂會。 Troilo的樂團以其樂器而聞名,並與許多歌手一起錄製。
- 00:04
- OK
- 00:07
- So we’re going to teach the six count basic now.
- 00:10
- And the six count basic,
how did it go? - 00:13
- Well okay, we teach three different basics at least.
- 00:17
- And we’ve gone for a while
teaching the three different basics... - 00:20
- ..and then a little while down the road,
over and over again, students will say to me... - 00:23
- ..the Six Count Basic,
they don’t even call it that, - 00:26
- ..they say this basic is
the only one you ever taught us. - 00:28
- And we know we’ve taught them;
the three different basics, multiple times. - 00:32
- But this is the one they remember.
- 00:34
- It’s really accessible.
- 00:35
- It’s not hard to understand that you go;
side, forward, forward, side, back, back or the opposite... - 00:41
- ..side, back, back, side, forward, forward
and you just don’t change feet. - 00:44
- N: You’ll go with the free feet.
D: So, we'll show. - 00:46
- Yes.
- 00:49
- So we have sidestep and then two steps.
- 00:54
- Side step and then two steps.
- 00:57
- She goes side and two back,
then side and two forward. - 01:02
- And we’re making it look a little more complicated.
It’s actually just a rectangle. - 01:06
- When we take this side step and go forward,
I go straight through her though. - 01:10
- So I’ll go side and you’ll see that
I’m going to step on the outside. - 01:13
- But I don’t do this.
- 01:17
- Right she doesn’t feel loved and
we want her to feel loved. - 01:19
- Absolutely.
- 01:20
- So instead when I go side, even though I’m stepping outside,
my body is going through her body. - 01:25
- And likewise here, she keeps her body
going through mine. - 01:28
- So you see it’s almost as if
our bodies cover each other. - 01:35
- Now also for the ladies and
the guys actually, both... - 01:39
- ..you want to think that to do that
you’re going to slice straight through your partner. - 01:42
- If I do it to the camera,
it looks like this. - 01:48
- And so you see the directness of the line.
- 01:51
- Now one of the cools things about the six count basic is
that frankly it’s reasonably easy. - 01:57
- You know, you spend a little time and
you get it and then you have it. - 02:00
- And that means you have brain free for
lots of cool things. - 02:02
- So that instead of having to have
all your brain focused on this fancy step... - 02:08
- ..and you’re like “Oh, I’ll do this.
And then I’ll do that. And then there’s this.” - 02:11
- And your body ends up contorted like this.
- 02:14
- So instead of that, you can have the brain free
to focus on other things. - 02:17
- So for example we might do different musicality.
- 02:32
- And that - it’s freeing and
it lets you dance more. - 02:35
- So you can use it that way.
N. We turned it a little bit, too. - 02:36
- Yes, yes but you have to have brain free, right?
- 02:39
- Also, oh I forgot to mention,
for the leaders when you’re doing this; - 02:42
- ..on the second forward step you might ask the question,
"Why doesn’t she cross?" - 02:46
- And that would be a very smart question, right?
- 02:47
- The first two steps are exactly like
the traditional eight count basic. - 02:50
- And the answer is because I block her.
- 02:52
- So, we'll go side forward, forward.
- 02:55
- And right here I’m putting my left foot right,
to the immediate side of her left foot... - 02:59
- ..so that she can't draw it back.
- 03:02
- And I go straight to her instead of outside.
- 03:04
- So that’s how she knows not to cross.
- 03:06
- From a different angle, right there.
- 03:11
- So you see my foot is immediately in front
and that keeps her from crossing. - 03:17
- So one more time.