वाल सार - कैसे हॉवर और जब रिलीज करने के लिए
हमें लगता है कि यह कारणों का हिस्सा है क्योंकि वाल्ट्ज को रोमांटिक माना जाता है: संतुलन छोड़ने और इसे पसंद करने का यह विचार।
- कलाकार का नाम:
- Q Tango
- गीत शीर्षक:
- Desde El Alma
- एल्बम शीर्षक:
- Live Four QTango
- कलाकार वेबसाइट:
- http://www.qtango.com
वेबसाइट से: जुलाई, 200 9 में अरस्कीन मेतोोरना द्वारा निर्मित, तीसरी पीढ़ी के टैंगो संगीतकार और ओपेरा गायक, QTANGO दक्षिणपश्चिमी में प्रामाणिक अर्जेंटीना टैंगो व्यवस्था करता है, जिसमें लॉस एंजिल्स, सैन फ्रांसिस्को, सैक्रामेंटो, सैन डिएगो, टक्सन, सेडोना, लास वेगास, एल पासो, सांता फ़े और अल्बुकर्क महान अर्जेंटीना टैंगो ऑर्केस्ट्रा के "गोल्डन एज" के पारंपरिक टैंगो म्यूजिक में विशेषज्ञता, क्टानगो के गतिशील और शक्तिशाली संगीत नर्तकियों को फर्श पर रखता है और श्रोताओं को मंत्रमुग्ध करते हैं। हर गीत एक उपन्यास है; प्रेम, विश्वासघात, निराशा और आशा की एक कहानी QTANGO के संगीतकारों ने दर्शकों को एक अनोखा और अंतरंग अनुभव दिया है, एक ध्वनिक अनुनाद केवल एक ऑर्केस्ट्रा प्रदान कर सकता है, रोमांस में एक यात्रा, टैंगो की जुनून और शान। क्या चौदह के रूप में दौरा किया या 14 से अधिक संगीतकारों के साथ गला का आयोजन किया, हर प्रदर्शन परिष्कृत, आकर्षक, उदासीन और चलती है।
- 00:04
- So, ballroom waltz has a lot of things that I like about it.
- 00:07
- But the styling for tango vals and ballroom waltz is a little different.
- 00:11
- One thing that I want us to use, but with a different styling, is the sense of hover, of suspension, and then going on.
- 00:17
- So, my learning of ballroom is more from watching channel 8. But that said, I'll show a bad version.
- 00:25
- I'll show my version, which is not trained.
- 00:27
- He knew I was going to get on that bad thing.
- 00:30
- But, so, for example, there's this sense that you're, you know, up and away,
- 00:33
- And then you go up, and then fall, and then up, fall on. Then you hug.
- 00:42
- And I want us to think that, maybe we'll use a rise and fall?
- 00:45
- Maybe we'll use the rise and fall, but it won't be so large.
- 00:50
- So, instead of going... Really, if you look at my ankles,
- 00:52
- Instead of going way up on the balls of my feet, and then coming down, into my knees,
- 00:58
- I'm going to go... I'm going to lift up only in the body. In the body, I go up.
- 01:02
- And I'll go maybe the tiniest bit, but not much. In the ankle, that is.
- 01:07
- And then we'll go... Ah.
- 01:12
- So, you'll see, that the change in level is so subtle, but it's still there.
- 01:16
- If you look at both of us, in the close-up camera,
- 01:20
- Here's staying the same level... And if we wanted to do, ah.
- 01:28
- So, we do have a soft rise and fall, but half of the rise and fall, is actually about the way that we fall into the next step.
- 01:37
- It's about the flow, rather than about the...
- 01:39
- It's not about changing levels so much, it's about allowing our bodies to go into the step.
- 01:44
- It's... Can you listen to the way the music kind of pulls you and then lets go.
- 01:50
- And we kind of do that with our bodies, but we do it much more level.
- 01:54
- David has a really cool thing he says about the dewdrop.
- 01:57
- Right, right, right, right.
- 01:58
- So, I want you to think, that, in this particular case, it's the movement comes out of your body, like a dewdrop, falling off a leaf.
- 02:07
- It's here... Ah, and then it falls.
- 02:10
- So, it's not like the dewdrop wants to fall, "Oh, I'm out of there". It's sort of, like, you know, very fast dewdrop.
- 02:17
- I want you to mean there's one drop, it builds... Ah, and then it's off.
- 02:22
- And it's the music that takes it off. You can hear that, in the music.
- 02:26
- So, there's a lot of suspension. So, if we dance, I'm going to exaggerate:
- 02:31
- One, two, three; one, two, three; and then ah whoo...