لمس. اتصال. صلة - تمارين للتوعية
ونعتقد، على الأقل أين نحن، أن الوعي الثقافي ليس شيئا يتطور فيه الناس. هذا حقا عار. إذا كان هذا مجتمع من الناس الذين يستمعون ليس فقط مع آذانهم ولكن مع عيونهم والجلد، ثم هذا الفيديو لن تكون هناك حاجة. تقريبا، هذا هو حول استكشاف أو تعلم استخدام اللمس أو رائحة بطرق نحن لا غالبا استخدامها.
- اسم فنان:
- Kristina Olsen
- عنوان الأغنية:
- Little Brother Sure Can Dance
- عنوان الألبوم:
- Live From Around The World
- موقع الفنان:
- http://www.kristinaolsen.net
من استعراض على الموقع: أولسن، وهو المتجول المتجول الذي يرعى بانتظام المهرجانات الشعبية الاسترالية، وكان في أكثر جاذبية لها. كانت هذه هي صراحة أغانيها وحكاياتها الشاذة أنه من المستحيل على أي شخص مع الدم في عروقهم عدم التعاطف معها. لقد كان صوتها الكامل والغيتار الهائل يخدمان موضوعا مختلفا مثل غبار المحاصيل والبغاء، في حين أن الغزل الذي يكشف عن دروس رسم الحياة عرض "حقيقة المرأة". من سدها الجديد جاء في غرفة مظلمة الخاص بك، عنوان المسار إلى ألبوم يحتوي على بعض من أروع أعمالها، والصقيع الأسود متفوقا الدفء المعتاد والفكاهة.
- 00:05
- So, as you do these exercises to increase your awareness of the different qualities of touch,
- 00:10
- I want you to think, actually, about not going too fast,
- 00:14
- And realizing that it's as much about the sensation you experience within yourself as about what you're actually doing.
- 00:21
- So, it's sort of split minds, right? One side, you say, "Oh, I have to do this", and on the other side, you say, "I have to feel this".
- 00:26
- And so, as you practice this, do both. Sometimes do one, sometimes do the other. Sometimes, do both.
- 00:31
- So, on that note, if you come in. Let's put you in this camera, so they can see in the body.
- 00:36
- So, just with the hands. One thing, is you can have your hands there.
- 00:40
- And I want you to say, "Can you just feel the other person's hands there." You're not doing anything.
- 00:46
- And so, without any pressure, you're just here. Just softly, just touch.
- 00:52
- And let it move. Let it move. Just softly.
- 00:54
- And, right? That's one thing. Sort of focus is, I'm going to say, on the skin.
- 00:59
- A different thing is that then you can hold.
- 01:03
- So, if you hold each other...
- 01:06
- Then, this, sort of, goes down a layer. So, I'm going to say that, instead of it being about the skin,
- 01:09
- It's now, you know, into the top-most layer of the muscle. Something like that.
- 01:14
- And then, if you give this holding a direction, if you pull with the body, ever so slightly,
- 01:20
- Then, all of a sudden, it stops being about the hand and becomes about the body.
- 01:23
- So, this is, sort of, a stereotypic connection. And that you can use to dance with.
- 01:27
- Likewise, if you stick there, and you push, a little bit...
- 01:31
- Sort of push firmly. Just so it shows. You have to exaggerate so the camera can see.
- 01:37
- Here, then, you'd say that this extra pressure, that you feel going through the arm. And, hopefully, it's skeletal, rather than muscular.
- 01:44
- I mean, of course, it's the muscles. But you don't want it to... I'll do the wrong.
- 01:48
- If it goes into her elbow like this, and he pushes a lot - that's not good dance.
- 01:51
- So, cut that out, David.
- 01:53
- So, instead, you're here, but it goes through the arm, so it doesn't get stuck here.
- 01:58
- Anyway. So, if you have that, then, maybe, this is an action that you'd use for something fast, more large or aggressive or sharp.
- 02:06
- So, I want you do this at home, just play with different kinds of embrace. You can do it with one hand. You can do it with both hands, facing.
- 02:12
- Just saying, you're pushing forward, perhaps.
- 02:16
- Or, perhaps, pulling.
- 02:20
- Or pulling a lot.
- 02:23
- So, have fun. Do at home. Thank you.