Tango hakkında inanılmaz şeylerden biri, birbirinizle dokunarak aktif olarak dinleyip nasıl iletişim kurabileceğinizi öğrenmenizdir. Deneyim, hassas samimiyetten çok sıcak ve buharlı olmak üzere bir dizi alanı kapsayabilir. Dokunmeyle ilgili birkaç video göstereceğiz ve sana bazı temel tango adımları öğreteceğiz. Sonra sihirbaz yaratma konusunda daha fazla şey öğreneceğiz ve nihayet size çok dramatik hareketler vereceğiz. Çok eğleneceğinizi düşünüyoruz.

Dokunma - Ham Cinsellik

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Kendini içine çektiğiniz ve yetenekli olduğunuz için aniden tango konusundaki anlayışların yaşamın diğer alanlarında size yardımcı olabilmesi gerçekten çok güzel düşünüyoruz.

Sanatçı adı:
Q Tango
Albüm Başlığı:
Live Four Q Tango
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Web sitesinden: Üçüncü nesil tango müzisyeni ve opera şarkıcısı Erskine Maytorena tarafından Temmuz 2009'da düzenlenen QTANGO, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Sacramento, San Diego, Tucson'daki turlar dahil olmak üzere birçok tur ile güneybatıda otantik Arjantin tango düzenlemeleri gerçekleştirirken, Sedona, Las Vegas, El Paso, Santa Fe ve Albuqueurque. Arjantinli büyük tango orkestralarının "Altın Çağı" nın geleneksel tangosu müziğinde uzmanlaşmış olan QTANGO'nun dinamik ve güçlü müziği, dansçılarla zeminde durur ve dinleyicileri büyüledi. Her şarkı bir novella; Aşk, ihanet, umutsuzluk ve umut hikayesi. QTANGO'nun müzisyenleri, izleyicilere benzersiz ve samimi bir deneyim, yalnızca bir orkestranın sağlayabileceği bir akustik rezonans, romantizme bir yolculuk, tango tutkusu ve zarafeti verir. Bir kuartet olarak gezmek veya 14'den fazla müzisyenle gala etkinlikleri gerçekleştirmek olsun, her performans sofistike, çekici, nostaljik ve hareketlidir.

This is Malakai and Jessica. They are very beloved students of ours. Malakai's been studying with us for about three years,
And he's an amazing choreographer already. Pretty soon, well, relatively soon, I hope to be able to have a video
Of a dance that he choreographed on our website. Or, even more.
Jessica has been studying with us for about two years. And, just wait 'til you see how she moves. I'm so proud of them.
They're going to do a series for us that talks about using touch to communicate. And experience.
And the first one is titled "Raw Sexuality". There are differences in the way you touch
When you want to communicate sex, or you want to communicate tenderness.
D: And let me add one comment. When we say raw sexuality, we mean this in a tango context.
N: Of course.
D: Just saying.
So, with that, please, come.
So, if they embrace each other and start to ooze. So, you can two can start to ooze.
So, what are things? First thing you notice, one thing I notice, is you see the face comes closer. And they,
I want to say, they're, sort of, deliberately into each other's space.
If you look at the hands, there's more pressure. There's consciousness. There's activeness.
The direction of the pressure is inward. So, if... If you guys do a little more?
So, first off, we said, we wanted to create this thing that looks like raw sexuality.
And what we ended up with is they're trying to do something.
So then, I said, "Well, just do what you do. And let's see what it looks like". And this is what we got.
In terms of the pressure, the pressure is towards the body.
The muscles tighten a little bit. But the sense is that you feel it in your own body. And you project that to the other person.
So, if you separate for a second. Oh, darn. So, if you separate for a second,
Can you, Malakai, do that just inside your own body? No, Jessica. He's like, "That's not nearly as fun".
N: Not very well.
D: Not very well, He's like, "no, not the same."
It's this particular beautiful woman in front of him.
Alright. So, I'm going to run in. And I'm going to pretend to do it by myself.
N: Can you do it by yourself?
D: Sure. And, forgive the microphone, if you hear it rustling.
And, there's a sense, that, in myself, I'm tightening up and I'm rising. But it's not about the shoulders rising. It's about the body's heat and about muscles engaging.
And then, what you do, is you can say one thing is you can just feel this inside yourself.
And then, put yourself close to another person. And the same way, that... May I?
You know, if I tighten my hand, she'll tighten. You know, you go to shake someone's hand. They're like, "RRah". So, you go "Waaa".
And, just for effect, if you back away a little bit. Just a little. Two inches. With the heads, too.
And now, you slowly go towards each other. And you create pressure.
So, I want you to say, see, that there's this consciousness, in the use of the face, of going into each other's space.