Classes cancelled 2 months in the summer of 2024 ... from May 16th - July 23rd due to travel. We will resume July 28th. ×
Slika Davida

About David

David brings an intriguing combination of delight, patience, skill and creativity to the teaching of Argentine Tango.

He is a very analytical teacher, with a deep understanding of what makes movement beautiful. He also has a unique ability to create simple exercises and to provide explanations which transmit this understanding to his students.

David has studied movement reeducation (Ideokinesis and Feldenkrais) and also rhythm analysis. He has studied modern dance with Marni Wood (former dancer / director of the Martha Graham school) and with Ethel Dias (current teacher with the Alvin Ailey Company). In addition, he has studied Argentine Tango with Michael Walker and with many world class Argentine performers and instructors. He has been teaching Argentine Tango for over 20 years.

O Nancyu

Nancy mjehurićima preokrene s entuzijazmom i radošću. Ona čvrsto vjeruje da je jednako važno za ljude da znaju što rade ispravno kao ono što mogu poboljšati.

Nancy ima nevjerojatnu sposobnost da vidi gdje su učenici, i gdje bi mogli biti. Također stvara vježbe, obično dizajnirane da duboko promijene kako se učenici odnose na njihova tijela i kretanje.

Nancy je imala opsežno obrazovanje u klasičnoj umjetnosti i glazbi, kao i učenje klasičnog plesa više od 20 godina. Nastupala je u New Yorku i na prestižnom Jacobovu jastuku. Studirala je argentinski tango s Davidom i Michaelom Walkerom.

Slika Nancy

O našim studentima

Naši sadašnji studenti uključuju ljude koji su nastupali s Joffrey Balletom na Broadwayu s Erick Hawkins (Modern) Dance Company i Las Vegasu. Učitelji i društvenog i klasičnog plesa pohađaju naše predavanja. Imamo studente na međunarodnim plesnim festivalima i za velike korporacije.