Linear Vocabulary - Beispiel Combo 2
- Im Moment sind wir darüber, welche Richtung Sie sich bewegen und den Freiheiten haben Sie sprechen.
- Sobald Sie sich bequem mit diesem, ist die nächste Schicht von Tiefe Zugabe Form und Zeitpunkt und die Größe, um Ihre Schritte, so dass sie besser auf die Musik zu starten.
- Wir werden Erstellen von Videos, die über die Größe des Schritts zu sprechen und Anpassung der Interpretation der Musik.
- Künstlername:
- Carlos di Sarli
- Liedtitel:
- Adiós Te Vas
- Albumtitel:
- Classics (1940-1943)
(Paraphrasiert von Er, wie sonst niemand wusste, wie man die rhythmischen Kadenz der Tango mit einer harmonischen Struktur, scheinbar einfach zu kombinieren, aber voller Nuancen und Feinheiten.
- 00:04
- We're going to give you now another example, and then also, I'll talk about how you can think about this choreographically.
- 00:11
- So that, as you do this, you can say to yourself, "What would be an appropriate way for me to put this together myself?"
- 00:20
- For example, we can say...
- 00:31
- That wasn't a whole lot of saying. I guess you can say with your body, you can say with your body,
- 00:36
- Forward, change weight, or, for the ladies, back, step, change weight, side... pause, back, pause, or, for the ladies, forward.
- 00:43
- One more time we'll show you, and then, after that, do it with us.
- 00:57
- It's really important, when we take back steps, that we stay forward to our partner when we do it.
- 01:04
- Right
- 01:05
- Now, when we think about this choreographically, really, that's only five elements, right?
- 01:09
- The last combination was five elements, the intro chapter was five elements. It was:
- 01:14
- forward, back, sidesteps, weight changes, and then just pausing.
- 01:19
- So, those same five steps, for everything, and we're just putting them together in different ways.
- 01:25
- And I want you to think, "Wow, that seems really simple", because it should.
- 01:30
- But, you'd say, "Well, what makes it a good five elements to put together?"
- 01:34
- And one thing is you want to have a sense of resolution.
- 01:37
- And usually...
- 01:38
- So, you could say, when you talk for a sentence, you say, "My, watch that dog fly!"
- 01:43
- You know, something we say all the time. You know, we say this every day, "My, watch that dog fly!"
- 01:48
- How is it you know the sentence ends?
- 01:50
- And, there's this pause, right? There's a period, and you hear the period.
- 01:53
- I don't say, "My watch that dog fly lamb stays right there"
- 01:57
- Right, there's no... I would say, "My, watch that dog fly. Lamp stands right there."
- 02:02
- And there's that comma, or that, well, in this case, period, and some silence.
- 02:06
- And so, similarly, when we dance tango, often we'll have a pause, or a weight change as punctuation.
- 02:13
- So, I might do some step that has sides, and forwards, and changes, and what not, but at the end,
- 02:18
- I'll usually wait a little extra, and/or I'll have a weight change. And, in my mind, there's a sense of conclusion.
- 02:25
- That's really good, that idea of having a little bit of a silence,
- 02:29
- or a little bit of a waiting, is, really adds a lot of texture to the dancing.
- 02:33
- So, for example, if you see either of these two combinations, the one we just did in this chapter,
- 02:38
- We had: forward, change, forward, change, side, pause, back, pause... ...and then we went on
- 02:43
- So, it had sort of that extra silence of the sentence.
- 02:46
- Likewise, the previous combination, I don't remember it, but it had a pause; you know, it was at least five minutes ago.
- 02:52
- Let's do it again, and then you guys can pay attention to that way in which we time it
- 02:57
- Yes
- 02:58
- 'Cause that's what makes it... It's a good part of what makes it interesting.