خلط عناصر البداية - قطع الأساسية مع الجبهة أوكوس - المزيد من الممارسة
في المقام الأول للمتابعين : في البداية، لأتباع، انها عن تعلم لمتابعة كل حركة. أتباع لا يتبع أوشو الأساسي أو الأمامي، يتبع اتباع خطوة جانبية أو محور. انها الكثير عن الوجود في الوقت الراهن وليس حول ما تعتقد انه سوف تفعل في المستقبل أو ما قاده في الماضي.
عندما تحصل على متقدمة جدا، وإذا كنت تعرف ما يفعله، ثم هذا لا يتغير عند اتباع، لكنه لا يعلم كيف تتبع. ثم تعرف بالضبط أين يجب عليك خطوة لهذه الحركة معينة.
انها شيء خفية، لأنك لا تريد أن تأخذ بعيدا عن زعيم في قدرته على اقتراح بالضبط أين أنت ذاهب إلى الخطوة. ومع ذلك، في كثير من الأحيان، وقال انه لا يقول بالضبط بقعة، ولكن يؤدي إلى منطقة، وفي هذه المنطقة، يمكنك اختيار.
- اسم فنان:
- Aníbal Troilo
- عنوان الأغنية:
- Seleccion de tangos de Anibal Troilo
- عنوان الألبوم:
- Como Yo Lo Siento
- موقع الفنان:
- http://www.troilo.com.ar/
(من ويكيبيديا): كان أنيبال ترويلو لاعب باندونيون، ملحن، منظم و باندليدر في الأرجنتين. كان له أوركيستا تيبيكا من بين الأكثر شعبية مع الراقصات الاجتماعية خلال العصر الذهبي من التانغو (1940-1955)، لكنه تغير إلى صوت الحفل في أواخر 1950s. وتشتهر أوركسترا ترويلو لأدواتها وسجلت أيضا مع العديد من المطربين.
- 00:05
- For those who would like...
- 00:06
- ..we’re going to show those three steps
that we just did in the previous chapter. - 00:09
- We’re going to do them slowly...
- 00:11
- ..so that you have time to follow along with us
and see each place broken down. - 00:18
- So this is the first one where we,
not chronologically but stepwise... - 00:22
- ..we're going to do it on Step 3 of the Basic.
- 00:24
- So we have one, two, three.
- 00:28
- Now how do you get into front ochos?
He changes weight and pivots her. - 00:32
- So I’m changing weight and pivoting her...
- 00:36
- ..and then we step side, pivot.
- 00:42
- And so for the leaders,
if you watched that... - 00:44
- ..you’ve got side, forward, forward...
- 00:49
- ..I stopped just a hair early,
so she doesn’t cross. - 00:53
- I start pivoting her and changing wait.
- 00:57
- And then we can go into that front ocho.
- 01:00
- For the followers, this actually is
an opportunity for a beautiful embellishment. - 01:19
- Let’s do that one, one more time.
- 01:36
- When we talk about waiting,
and we talk about active waiting. - 01:39
- Waiting is really harder than it seems
for the follower. - 01:42
- It really just means
exactly what it sounds like. - 01:45
- We stand tall on whatever ball of the foot
the man put us on... - 01:48
- ..or the leader put us on
and then we let him do us both. - 01:53
- And when we get so that we can really do that...
- 01:55
- ..it makes everything so much easier.
- 01:57
- Yes.
- 01:58
- So we’ll do the second variation now.
- 02:01
- This was at the cross, side, one, two, cross.
It’s the fourth step. - 02:06
- Now once again I’m going to change weight
and then I’m going to pivot her... - 02:09
- ..and she’s going to pivot on her left foot,
the crossed foot.. - 02:13
- ...and there are our ochos.
- 02:19
- And then, if we want, you can go straight
back to that tango close. - 02:24
- For the leaders, the thing I want you to think about,
two things actually. - 02:28
- One is, like every other step...
- 02:30
- ..make sure she’s on the ball of that foot
and then just pivot her. - 02:33
- Even though she’s in a cross,
she still can. - 02:35
- And I want to make that point
for the followers too. - 02:37
- That, just because she’s - get in the cross now,
right there. - 02:39
- She’s on her left foot.
So it’s funny, but she can still pivot... - 02:43
- ..and it’s actually once again
a beautiful embellishment. - 02:47
- A lot of wonderful things come out of the cross.
- 02:49
- So let’s do that again.
A new angle actually. - 03:01
- I change my weight, not her’s.
- 03:04
- There’s that pivot.
- 03:16
- And now our last combination,
which was after the cross. - 03:20
- Here, new angle. Why not?
- 03:23
- So we went side...
- 03:29
- And now I change my wait, not her’s.
- 03:39
- Or again.
- 03:48
- After the cross, I change my weight not her’s,
pivot her... - 03:51
- ..and we once again into the front ochos.
- 03:56
- And so once again I want to emphasize
that the transition is just that. - 03:59
- For the follower you wait and you pivot.
- 04:01
- And even if you’re in a cross like this...
- 04:03
- ..whatever direction he pivots you,
you pivot that way and then you can go. - 04:07
- Or even if you’re going to a cross like this...
- 04:11
- ..you can still go in whatever direction
he takes you. - 04:13
- And for the leaders, that really is, wherever you are,
you change your weight not her’s... - 04:17
- ..and you pivot her.