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- 藝術家姓名:
- Kristina Olsen
- 歌名:
- The Man With The Bright Red Car
- 相冊標題:
- All Over Down Under
- 藝術家網站:
- http://www.kristinaolsen.net
- 00:04
- The idea is that you take a normal gancho,
a traditional freno, she walks over, gancho. - 00:09
- And you let her complete the step and then,
gancho with the other leg overturned. - 00:14
- And I think there's a lot of fun out of
doing the unexpected. - 00:25
- Yes. And some comments: like all ganchos, for the followers,
especially, for the followers... - 00:31
- ...I want you to go back with your thigh first.
- 00:32
- And, if you can go pretty high, you might say,
"Oh that looks dangerous." - 00:37
- D: Right so, let's say he's here...
N: It doesn't just look dangerous. - 00:40
- D: ..and let's say I'm doing...
N: It is dangerous. - 00:42
- .. a gancho here and I go, bang.
- 00:45
- But it's going right there.
- 00:48
- We'll do a new angle.
- 00:50
- This will be a really exciting video, right?
- 00:52
- So we're here in the freno, she walks over,
he overpivots... - 00:57
- ..right here in this gancho,
the question is: "well how can that be safe?" - 01:00
- And the answer is:
there's a place where the knee bends. - 01:03
- So, if she, slow motion, just slowly kick back
and you're going to hold it. - 01:07
- So, right here, if you're near this foot, got it,
this can go up high. This can cause damage, this foot. - 01:13
- Do you see that foot? The big spikey heel?
- 01:16
- Damage.
- 01:17
- You see right here near the knee,
where it's really low? - 01:19
- So, you want to make sure, for the leaders,
that you're there where it's low... - 01:24
- ..and not where it's high.
- 01:28
- So, do that again. Do that again.
- 01:34
- D: It makes perfect sense to me.
N: It makes perfect sense. - 01:37
- It was the delivery.
- 01:41
- And that was hard. I'll tell you why that was hard,
actually. Interesting thing. - 01:44
- It has to do with the shift of the body.
- 01:45
- So that, after she walks over,
I have to make sure my body passes the back of her... - 01:52
- ..so that I'm over here. I'm behind her.
- 01:55
- And then I pivot her around her own axis.
- 01:57
- Okay it's good to show why it is hard, but you should also show
why it was really good what they did. - 02:02
- Okay.
- 02:03
- So they tried something. It didn't work...
- 02:05
- D: And they made it work.
N: And they stopped and they went back and they did it again... - 02:07
- ..and they made it work.
- 02:08
- And how did they make it work?
- 02:09
- What I'm saying is that they have the courage to just say,
"Okay, this wasn't going on." Stop, reposition, do it again. - 02:17
- Right. Most people wouldn't notice.
Even watching the video, maybe you wouldn't notice. - 02:20
- But that's really cool to be able to understand
that you're able to do that is really important. - 02:25
- D: I love you.
N: Love you. - 02:28
- So, for the followers, when you walk over...
- 02:30
- ..you want to make sure you walk over
to the top of the triangle. - 02:33
- So, if he's here.
- 02:37
- Let's start you, actually, this angle.
- 02:38
- And then, when I walk over, if you look at the feet,
you'll see that there's an equilateral triangle... - 02:43
- Well, it's hard to see, between my foot and his feet.
- 02:46
- One more time, new angle
- 02:48
- So I walk over, I walk over to here.
- 02:53
- And then I can gancho.
- 02:56
- And then, when I extend back, for the followers...
- 02:58
- I really make sure I go from the thigh first...
- 03:00
- ..so I make sure I know what I'm hitting.
- 03:02
- So let's do this one last time.
Together, together.