- アーティスト名:
- Manuel Barrueco
- 曲名:
- Tango Etude #1
- アルバムタイトル:
- Solo Piazzolla
- アーティストウェブサイト:
- http://www.barrueco.com/
アーティストのウェブサイトから:Manuel Barruecoは、私たちの最も重要なギタリストの1人として国際的に認められています。彼のユニークな芸術性は、魅惑的なサウンドと珍しい歌詞の贈り物を持って、素晴らしいinstrumentalistと優秀でエレガントなミュージシャンのものとして絶えず説明されています.... 2007年Manuel Barruecoはグラミー賞を受賞しました。 "Best Instrumental Soloist Performance" Solo Piazzollaは、Tonar Musicの排他的なManuel Barrueco Collectionでリリースされた最初の録音です。
- 00:04
- So, a lot of times, what happens is, as I'm teaching combinations, I'll tell people things. I'll say, for example...
- 00:10
- I'll say, "Do this". And then, I'll take them in, you know, whatever it is. Cut, cut, tap.
- 00:15
- Step, cross. Flick. Step, cut. Catch. Throw, touch. Whatever, long, long... Goes for a while.
- 00:21
- D: And, at the end of that, I say, "Got it? Good. Do."
N: No, you don't.
D: Yeah, I know. I do better than that.
- 00:27
- D: But...
N: He doesn't do that.
- 00:29
- But, what happens, is when you see people dance, they look like this.
- 00:34
- Ha-ha!
- 00:36
- N: Even though he doesn't do that, you do see this.
D: And I'm exaggerating.
- 00:40
- So, when we teach, just like in the videos, we show one little piece at a time.
- 00:44
- And we make sure people are comfortable doing it, before we move on.
- 00:48
- N: So, that was not just to himself.
D: OK, she's like: "say the right."
N: Yeah.
- 00:51
- But, even when we do that, if it's a long, involved combination, you see people doing it like this.
- 00:57
- I mean... So, the bottom line is when it pushes your limits, then you have to give all your attention to something.
- 01:02
- D: So, for example, you give all your attention to what you have to do to her.
N: The footwork. Right, to how you move...
D: To get her do what you want.
- 01:08
- And listen to the word choice: what you have to do to her.
- 01:14
- Right? So it stops being a participatory thing. It stops being communication.
- 01:18
- And it starts being, "Oh, I move my arms this way".
- 01:21
- Yes, that's right.
- 01:22
- And so, I want to say that half of this idea of being present with your partner is choosing smart things.
- 01:28
- It's hard to be present when you're doing the hardest thing you know.
- 01:31
- N: Yeah. If you're dancing socially, dance less than the hardest thing you know.
D: Dance way less than the hardest thing you know.
- 01:37
- And also, part of it... So, if you look at the touch chapter, a lot of it is in the spirit of the chapter on listening.
- 01:48
- And part of it is just being willing to look at someone. Right? So...
- 01:51
- D: To say, "Hi".
N: Hi.
D: So, for example, if she were here,
- 01:55
- There's a big difference between my looking at the camera and my looking at her.
- 02:00
- N: There certainly is.
D: You see that difference?
- 02:04
- And so, I want you to say, that sometimes, it's OK to look... You don't always have to have your gaze averted
- 02:09
- As you feel so intensely passionately.
- 02:11
- Sometimes, you can... Feel it intensely passionately at your partner too.
- 02:16
- Or not. But I want you to realize there's a person there.