Transisi Mudah - Dari Ocho Depan ke Tak Terbatas
Satu hal yang kami temukan dengan "langkah dasar" adalah bahwa sangat mudah terjebak dalam rutinitas di mana Anda selalu melakukan 2 keluaran yang sama dari front ocho atau hiasan yang sama. Terkadang, setidaknya, kami ingin orang-orang berhenti dan berpikir bahwa mereka bisa melakukan sesuatu yang berbeda. Jadi, pelaksanaan langkah bisa sadar tetapi juga pilihan keluar, masuk, atau variasi langkah juga bisa sadar.
- Nama artis:
- Narisco Saul
- Judul lagu:
- Jacinto Chiclana
- Judul album:
- El Tango de Narisco
- Situs artis:
Dari situs web - diterjemahkan secara bebas: Lahir di Buenos Aires pada 21 Juni 1957. Dia mulai belajar musik pada tahun 1965 dimulai dengan piano dan kemudian mendedikasikan diri pada gitar listrik. Pada tahun 1975 ia mulai belajar gitar klasik dan harmoni dan pada tahun 1977 masuk ke Konservatorium Provinsi Juan José Castro, dengan guru-guru seperti Enrique Belloc, Graciela Pomponio, dan Pedro Miguel Angel Girollet Chiambaretta di antara lainnya. Lulus pada tahun 1985 dengan gelar Dosen Senior Gitar. Sejak 1978 bekerja di musik populer. Pada tahun 1979 ia mulai belajar jazz dengan gitaris Mario Andreola. Sejak 1980 ia menjadi profesor di Universitas del Salvador, (Fakultas Terapi Musik) dan sejak 1988 di Konservatorium Kota Manuel de Falla.
- 00:06
- The earlier videos said: "Wherever I happen to be starting - let's go from there and do a gancho, a drag, whatever it is."
- 00:14
- This video is saying: "I'm starting at front ocho, what can I do?"
- 00:19
- And just like in earlier videos, we said, "Well, you can do your gancho, or drag, no matter where you start."
- 00:24
- I'm going to say, "If you start at front ocho, you can do anything."
- 00:28
- So, for example, if we have front ocho,
- 00:36
- You pivot further, and it becomes a drag.
- 00:41
- And that's a natural extension of that drag we already taught you.
- 00:44
- If you have front ocho,
- 00:49
- You change pivot - there's your freno. I think we might have even taught this one.
- 00:53
- What else might we do? You have going to gancho. You have front ocho.
- 00:58
- Let's say, for example, that you check to come back.
- 01:03
- Molinette: you have front ocho, you're sort of getting the idea.
- 01:09
- At any point you want, you just turn - there's molinette.
- 01:18
- It's kind of cool. It's really confusing in the beginning. So don't feel bad.
- 01:22
- And don't be impatient with yourself.
- 01:25
- I'm going to come with two more examples, though.
- 01:26
- You have two more examples.
- 01:27
- Two more examples. so let's pick a lunge, too.
- 01:29
- So, you have front ocho... it's starting in a very repetitive way.
- 01:34
- And then, on any one of these front ochos, maybe we turn it into... a lunge, or... a lunge.
- 01:43
- And finally, let's say you have, you want to turn it into a wrap.
- 01:47
- So, you have front ocho,
- 01:51
- And, let me... I have to work this one out in my mind.
- 01:54
- So, we're here. I'll change, and then extend through her pivot, and there's our wrap.
- 02:02
- So, even he had to work it through, and that's the thing - it's kind of cool, just play with it.
- 02:07
- Pick any base, and then just look around - what could you do from there?
- 02:12
- And, if you say, "Well, here's where I'm starting, what's the path of least distance?"
- 02:18
- Nancy: That's good.
David: First, start with where you want to end. "OK, I want to end in a wrap". - 02:21
- Alright, so in a wrap, the normal wrap, for example, I'm on my left, she's on her right, natural opposite.
- 02:27
- So, I'm going to have to change my weight, because front ochos are cross-system.
- 02:30
- And then my right leg will have to be in between. And you say, "Well, when can I get to that position?"
- 02:35
- And then, all of a sudden, it sort of helps itself be discovered.
- 02:38
- So, you can start that by doing it with us, in the examples that we just gave you,
- 02:42
- And then you can use that to look around and see if you can come to them by yourself.