Adaptándose a su pareja - El seguidor se adelanta a mi guía


Para todos, tienen que dar la mitad de sí mismo para satisfacer las necesidades de su compañero.

Un hombre estaba andando en su Harley a lo largo de una playa de California cuando de repente se nublo el cielo y en voz estridente el Señor dijo: “Porque haz intentado ser fiel a mí en todos los sentidos, te concederé un deseo”.'

El motociclista estaciono y dijo, “Construye un puente hasta Hawái para que pueda conducir hasta allí cada vez que lo desee”.

El Señor dijo: “tu pedido es materialista, piensa en los enormes desafíos de este tipo de proyecto, los pilares del puente tendrían que construirse en el fondo del Océano Pacifico y la cantidad de hormigón y acero que ello demandara! Agotara numerosos recursos naturales. Puedo hacerlo, pero es difícil para mí justificar tu deseo por algo tan mundano. Tómate un poco más de tiempo y piensa en algo que realmente pueda ayudar a la humanidad”

El motociclista pensó por un largo rato.

Finalmente dijo: “ok, deseo que yo y todos los hombres podamos entender a nuestras esposas, quiero saber cómo se siente por dentro, lo que piensa cuando me somete al silencio, porque llora, lo que quiere decir cuando dice ‘nada’ y como puedo hacer que una mujer se sienta realmente feliz”

Y el Señor respondió: “¿quieres dos o cuatro carriles en el puente?”.

Nombre del artista:
Jaime Wilensky
Título de la canción:
Aquella Noche
Título del álbum:
Tango Nuevo 2

(De Se trata de un nuevo tango "electrificado" producido y con arreglos de Jaime Wilensky. Aquella Noche es un tango con un sonido y temática gótica.

This is a fun one, for me, every time we teach it.
Because it's about the woman, kind of, rushing away from the lead. And just doing the step, 'cause she knows what the step is,
Instead of letting the man lead them both into it. And I'm really good at that.
D: She's good at doing the right, by the way.
N: Thank you.
D: As well.
So, we're going to do... I'll let her do the wrong. On me, I'll let myself do it.
So, what it is, is I figure out what he wants. And then, I go do it.
D: You are, you have a rare gift.
N: I feel, I think so, too. Yeah, you study to learn how to do that.
So, what I do first... Actually, if we do it to this camera...
I become insanely still.
D: Right? So, if she's all jittery and move-y... Be jittery and move-y.
N: Oh, this is a really cool technique. I've used it as a leader, too.
It's just mesmerizing.
And so, I become incredibly a really active way. And that stillness causes her to start to listen.
And then, he does this incredibly slow, beautiful weight shift. With a mind-meld.
And, at some point, the woman, whatever she's doing or thinking about,
Will realize something cool is going on, and start listening to that instead.
And, as soon as she starts listening to that - he's got her. For a little while.
Yeah, for a little while. Before she runs off again.
Also, as we do this... There's the sense that I'll hold her tighter.
And I'll stop. So, she has to stop moving.
So i'll be very convicted, full of conviction. And then I'll go...and I'll stop.
And then I'll go, maybe, to here. And then, I'll brace myself. Right?
So, I really have... I'm planting myself a little bit back, with the left foot forward. So, I can, actually, lever against.
So, if she throws herself back, I can just be here like a rock. And then, go through.
And so, eventually, if you have all of these coping mechanisms, you can...
N: She figures it out.
D: Yeah.
N: Just listening.
Well, not just that. If you keep the pace slow enough, then, also, that tends to encourage people to listen.