كوكي كروسز - إنت - الإقراض قدم مساعدة
رجاء تسجيل الدخول لبدء اختبار علمك!
في بعض الأحيان، انها حقا متعة ليكون كوكي، للعب مع شريك حياتك. ولكن، يمكن أن يكون اللعب مخيفا. فإنه من السهل جدا للبقاء مع ما يشعر بالأمان. كل من النمو والاتصالات الهامة يمكن أن يحدث عندما كنت خطر عدم آمنة.
- اسم فنان:
- Alex Krebs
- عنوان الأغنية:
- Ventarron
- عنوان الألبوم:
- New York Tango Jam Session
- موقع الفنان:
- http://www.tangoberretin.com/
من الموقع: (اليكس كريبس) وقد تم دراسة باندونيون منذ مايو 2001، وجهت فرقة التانغو "كونجونتو بيريتين". (مع تسجيل اثنين من الأقراص المدمجة) من 2003-2008، حاليا هو ترتيب / توجيه تانغو سكستيت وترتيب / توجيه أوركيستا تيبيكا لمهرجانات تانجو بورتلاند في فبراير و أكتوبر.
- 00:11
- I actually do this.
- 00:12
- He does.
- 00:13
- And actually, for the leaders, it's useful for beginners...
- 00:15
- ..you know, if they don't know to cross,
you can help them. - 00:17
- Right. He does. But he does it for fun with -
- 00:21
- Right, with people who are not beginners,
it's just fun. - 00:23
- And then a lot of people, who we teach to do that...
- 00:26
- ..will do it more than once.
Show doing it more than once. - 00:28
- That's like really cool.
- 00:36
- Like that.
- 00:39
- So, the first bit is like the basic.
We seem to say that a lot. - 00:42
- Well we say this is like that a lot.
- 00:45
- And then right here, before her shift completes...
- 00:48
- ..I make sure my body get's over first...
- 00:50
- ..so my right foot is free.
- 00:53
- And she's still not over and then as I shift her,
I drag with the foot as well. - 00:58
- N: And then he puts me over..
D: And then I shift her over the foot. - 01:04
- So you'll see, I shift myself first.
- 01:06
- So I can grab with the foot.
- 01:10
- To quote, "It's as much about timing as anything else."
- 01:13
- It's very about timing. The leaders have to make sure
that they control the follower... - 01:17
- ..because if they let the follower go,
the follower will cross and then you miss the opportunity. - 01:21
- And for followers, the truth is
you do the exact same... - 01:23
- ..as you would in a normal basic.
- 01:25
- And, if he grabs your foot before you would go,
then you follow whatever is faster,... - 01:33
- ..his body lead or his foot.
- 01:34
- So normally, you'd always follow the body...
- 01:36
- ..but, if his foot is taking your foot
before it would go otherwise,... - 01:39
- ..then, you know, you have no choice,
which is the point. - 01:43
- Let's show again.
- 01:44
- Let's show two again. That was fun.